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Thread: My first share here...

  1. #1

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    My first share here...

    Here are some pics I took while playing with my daughter in the park this afternoon (during the golden lucky!)

    I'm back in the photog game after being out for about 10 years so I'm working on getting back the technical skills I had once, while learning to use my DSLR and Photoshop Elements. My style that I'm working towards is lifestyle/semi-photojournalistic shots of kids (my own are handy subjects but I evently want to do semi-pro with other kids as well). I really want those non-posed pictures that capture their personalities and authentic moments.

    They were shot with Canon t2i with Tamron 18-270mm. I was shooting in shutter-priority due to the shots I was also taking of my son, husband and their RC trucks at the same time...and because kids move quickly! ISO's were between 400 & 800. I did pretty minimal post processing...some sharpening, blemish removing, took out a pole behind her head in one shot, and turned one into monochromatic.

    None of these are posed - I couldn't have gotten them if I'd bribed her with the world. But they're the moments when she was lost in her own world and not worrying about me and my camera.

    I welcome and and all C & C!!! Thank you!

    My first share here...
    My first share here...
    My first share here...
    My first share here...
    My first share here...
    My first share here...
    Last edited by kellymdempewolf; 5th January 2012 at 03:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: My first share here...


    I'm no people-photographer and those who are will be able to provide more robust comments, I'm sure. But a couple of things struck me.

    Firstly, you say you did a little sharpening. I wonder of it needed a bit more, particularly around her face. They don't seem, to me, to be right 'on-the'nail' so far as sharpening is concerned. But maybe that is what you wanted.

    Secondly, you're working with pretty harsh lighting conditions. You've got direct sunlight. And in those where her face is in shadow, it does look a little flat. Now, as you say, these were not posed, so you couldn't set up fill flash or reflectors, etc to get light back on to her face. I wonder if it's a case of needing to do this sort of shooting in more favourable lighting conditions? But, again, the portraitists and people-photographers on here would be better able to advise.

    EDIT - I've just read your other post and you've been wrestling with all the issues I've just gone on about above. So, ignore everything - you already know the issues.
    Last edited by Donald; 5th January 2012 at 08:25 AM.

  3. #3
    WJT's Avatar
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    Re: My first share here...

    Hi Kelly,

    You have done a lot of things right and have some good shots, composition is good although one or two could be cropped a little to remove distractions. You have got down to the child's level which is important. When you have great back ground like the swings perhaps use Aperture priority as the depth of field becomes the priority (if you have the light).

    Also although your daughter isn't posing for you she is looking at you so you are able to work round to have the light behind you if you want to get the shadow off her face. Harsh light is hard to work with so it is good to stop it from making shadows on the face.

    Last but most important, the focus on portraits should always be on the eyes (or the eye lashes is sometimes easier). This was taught to me by a very successful fashion model and has been good advice for me. "Capture the eyes, capture the person" MEMO ZACK.

    Very good photos and you will be glad you took them in years to come.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My first share here...

    The trend in childern's portraits is make the eyes sharp and the skin soft.

  5. #5

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    Re: My first share here...

    Thank you all for your feedback!
    I think I need to get over my fear of over-sharpening! (Similar to my fear of wearing too much makeup which has kept my friends telling me for many years that I don't wear enough...even when I was under stagelights in a ballet they'd have to put more on me before I went on stage)

    Is this better? I sharpened her eyes, lips and hair with high-pass and then brought the opacity of that layer down to about 50%
    My first share here...

    My first share here...

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: My first share here...

    Quote Originally Posted by kellymdempewolf View Post
    Is this better? I sharpened her eyes, lips and hair with high-pass and then brought the opacity of that layer down to about 50%
    A different image! Now it 'pops'. Now start on the make-up!

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