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Thread: Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

  1. #81
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Week 17

    Thanks for the comments Frank.
    I see what you mean about the lack of a focal point and understand how I could have used the suns reflection to add more to the photo.
    Great tip, will store that in the memory bank.
    Alas any further right to take the shot would have put me in the river as I was on the end of a pier.

  2. #82
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Week 17

    Quote Originally Posted by gregj1763 View Post
    Thanks for the comments Frank.
    I see what you mean about the lack of a focal point and understand how I could have used the suns reflection to add more to the photo.
    Great tip, will store that in the memory bank.
    Alas any further right to take the shot would have put me in the river as I was on the end of a pier.
    LOL! What, you're not willing to make little sacrifices for your hobby?

  3. #83
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Week 17

    The filter seems to have worked well though - the blues in the sky look good.

  4. #84
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Week 17

    Thanks Mal,
    I was happy how it looked in that respect.

  5. #85
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Week 18

    For this week I wanted to show something of my home life. The sort of thing I see everyday.
    It was a cold start and every morning my wife's dog Lilly sits on this window sill waiting for the sun to come up.
    I tried to capture her colouring true to life and was pretty happy how it turned out.
    I had plenty of eye's open shots but wanted her expression as she sat there enjoying the warmth of the morning sun.
    A square crop worked best as I was able to get rid of most of the boring background.
    C & C welcome as always.
    Cheers Greg.

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

  6. #86
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Week 19

    It's almost a year since I joined CIC so I thought I would post some fungi photo's as I did twelve months ago.
    Hopefully I have improved
    Cheers Greg.

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

  7. #87
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Week 20

    Hi all,
    Something Wayne (WJT) pointed out to me in one of my recent posts has got me thinking about the composition of my photo's to date, and he is right .
    A lot of them have distracting elements in them which take away from the focal point.
    My week 19 post is a perfect example. Nice fungi but distracting background.
    So this week I wanted to post something that leaves no distracting elements.

    As some of you may know we have a recent edition to the family and she is a very willing model.

    This is a photo of Rosie's first bath but obviously the food bowl etc is a distraction.

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    So they got the clone tool treatment in PS4 to arrive at this.

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    Still wasn't happy so I desaturated the photo then brought back Rosie's colour with the history brush tool.
    A few other tweak's and here is the finished product.

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    What do you think? Am I on the right track or are there still improvements that could be made to this photo.
    Cheers Greg

  8. #88

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    Re: Week 20

    I can't help thinking that placing a piece of paper or cloth, etc to form a background before shooting would have saved a lot of work.

    But you got there in the end.

  9. #89
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Week 20

    True enough, or just shifting all the things from behind her. But by then I may have missed the moment.
    Didn't want to risk missing the shot.
    Cheers Greg

  10. #90

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    Re: Week 20

    Yes, I know what you mean, Greg.

    I often take a couple of quick shots just to get something in the camera, then start thinking about were those the best settings and what about the background. Which only helps if the scene hasn't changed.

  11. #91
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Week 20

    It's easy to push the button before engaging the brain. I suffer from that badly.
    Thanks for your comments Geoff.

  12. #92
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Week 21

    Hi all,
    Been raining here for a week now, finally the sun is out and it's Sunday, my day off.
    Went to Lilydale Falls 20 minutes drive outside Launceston.
    First three are at the falls and the last is just a bloody big tree on the walk out.
    Comments on composition most welcome and please edit if you feel so inclined. I like to know how others see how an image can be improved.
    Every little bit of information helps me.
    Cheers Greg.

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

    Project 52 by Gregj1763 (Greg)

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