Thats a really interesting series Kris. It reminded me about a bunch of bananas that I got from the supermarket the other day. After only a day they showed signs of beginning to lose their freshness. I find these sorts of sequences that show the cycle of plants fascinating. A very thought provoking set of images.
Cheers for now
That's a very interesting series Kris - I'm used to seeing them turn from a bud to a rose but not the other end of the lifecycle. I like the way you've composed the background to really accentuate the different stages of life. Very nicely done.
A very interesting shape! Thanks for sharing.
It looks like it must have had something wrapped around the trunk at some stage.
Not pretty and nothing special. I need to print these out so I can take the pictures to a nursery and find out what these black thingies are (looks like coffee grounds ) and what I need to get rid of them, and rescue my plants.
Since I'm in a total slump with P-52, I decided to post them anyway.
Hey, maybe someone knows what I need.....????
I found those this morning on some of my succulents, and it seems to do quite a bit of damage.
and a bit more detailed:
PS-I did not hurt the worm - s/he is on this earth for a reason. I just broke off the leaf and put it away from the plants. S/he's happily cruising around on the walkway, and hopefully survives.
That looks a bit like the remains of a spider's meal that has dropped from a nearby overhanging web.
I truly believe that the back stuff is frass, alias "drek".. I also believe the culprit is your little green worm. What type damage to plant?
I would suggest cutworm. Look at soil line of plants and see if the plants appear to be cut off near soil line or slightly below.
One of them was - the root is still in the ground, but the plant looked as if it broke off.
At the nursery they told me that, yes, it could be cutworm. They suggested yo just remove the affected plants (I did) and then spray with an insecticide.
I hate to that - birds eat insects, and I don't want to poison them.
I'll try to find a solution on-line for a more humane solution.
I Hate Yard work!!!!