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Thread: Coffee & Biscuits

  1. #1

    Coffee & Biscuits

    Coffee & Biscuits

    Coffee & Biscuits

    Comments are welcome!

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Coffee & Biscuits

    Hi Brigitte,

    OK: "Yummy" that's a comment.
    But why only half a cup of coffee?

    More seriously; I think you might like to try a little experiment, take a biscuit to a table lamp and alter the angle of light across the surface and photograph it at several angles. We don't need to see all of them, but on a textured surface like that, with the writing, see what works and what doesn't at enhancing the contrast and texture.

    I suggest a table lamp as it will give a bit more directional light than a window.


  3. #3

    Re: Coffee & Biscuits

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Brigitte,

    OK: "Yummy" that's a comment.
    But why only half a cup of coffee?

    More seriously; I think you might like to try a little experiment, take a biscuit to a table lamp and alter the angle of light across the surface and photograph it at several angles. We don't need to see all of them, but on a textured surface like that, with the writing, see what works and what doesn't at enhancing the contrast and texture.

    I suggest a table lamp as it will give a bit more directional light than a window.


    Dear Dave!

    It is a large cup (mug). Okay you will get the double dose

    I will try it out. It`s very good idea.
    Thanks for your advice.


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