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Thread: PROJECT 52 by Craig (Craig3070)

  1. #21
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: PROJECT 52 by Craig (Craig3070)

    Another good capture, Craig. The detail on the bird is very good.

    I wonder if the bright elements in the background are a problem? If you look at the bird's tail below the branch it is set against a background that makes it stand out well. But of we look at the left-hand side (as we look at it) of bird's body and the head, I feel they are getting a little lost by being placed beside that very bright sky.

  2. #22

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    Re: PROJECT 52 by Craig (Craig3070)

    Craig. I think the basic shot of this bird is good but, for me, those bright blues in the background are overwhelming the delicate colours of the bird.

    Unfortunately, this isn't going to be easy to fix; which is a pity. Maybe try toning down the highlights for everything, then use an Adjustment Layer to just brighten the bird?

  3. #23
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: PROJECT 52 by Craig (Craig3070)

    Such a lovely smurk on its face! If you can do post processing, a little burning of the background highlights could help get better separation from the subject.

  4. #24
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: PROJECT 52 by Craig (Craig3070)

    Great detail Craig. I was looking for one of those on the weekend and couldn't find one - had to settle for the wallabies at Mother-In-Law's place instead. Birds never seem to pose in the right spot, do they?

    By the way, what are you using for post processing? I know a few of us have given you some suggestions but it might help if we know what you're using as well.

  5. #25

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    Re: PROJECT 52 by Craig (Craig3070)

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. Mal, as you have asked, I use only iPhoto on my Mac. It is quite basic I know and I should probably look into getting something more, however it meets my present requirements. I am therefore not able to remove branches from trees etc. unfortunately.

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