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Thread: Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

  1. #121
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Week 14

    I like that first one Wendy - nice contrast between the reds and greens and a well balanced DoF that highlights a number of areas on the photo.

  2. #122
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Week 14

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldcoastgolfer View Post
    I like that first one Wendy - nice contrast between the reds and greens and a well balanced DoF that highlights a number of areas on the photo.
    Thanks Mal, I like the colours in that one as well,

  3. #123
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Week 15

    Found myself with a couple of spare hours in the city, thought I would try to to capture some streeetscape images

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford
    Exp1/30, F5, ISO 200

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford
    Exp 1/50, F11, ISO 200

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford
    Exp 1/25, F11, ISO 200

  4. #124
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Week 15

    Some interesting scenes there Wendy. I like the last one the best - a great perspective shot with the trees look like they're almost forming a tunnel leading into the distance. The second shot looks like a challenging one to get right for exposure - almost an HDR candidate I'm thinking.

  5. #125
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Week 16

    I am late again, I need to catch up a couple of weeks,

    These are shots of an old tressle railway bridge that I spotted from the road,
    When I first started out to reach the bridge, it was cloudy with nice light, but the sun came out and created some shadows,

    I tried looking at different angles, I liked the contrasts of the timbers, with the old bolts ,
    All the images were taken at the same settings
    F14, Exp 1/125, ISO 400

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

  6. #126
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Week 16

    Really lovely tones and textures Wendy.

    I especially like #2 and#3...fantastic!

  7. #127
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Week 16

    Hi Wendy. You have captured great angles and details in the wood fibers. The first one is my favorite because of the angles, colours, and play of the shadows on the meadow. Great vision, there is a lot to explore in this image!

    Based on the horizontal braces at the bottom of the structure in the first image and the rail on the top of the trestle, I get the feeling that it might need a slight CCW rotation to get it closer to level.

  8. #128
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Week 17

    I took a whole heap of shots using the rule of thirds , It was interesting of where the focus was placed, changed the whole perspective of the shot

    the first shot has the image focus on the lower third,
    the second , the area of focus is in the centre,
    the third image the area of focus is along the top third.

    I thought the 2nd image with the focus on the centre, the most balanced and pleasing to the eye,

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

  9. #129
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Week 17

    I agree Wendy! In the second shot you are making the subject the sharpest part of the image which is the most pleasing way for most folks to view this kind of image.

    If you are up to experimenting a bit, just for kicks, change the aspect ratio to 2:1 or even 16:9 by taking equal amounts off both the sky and foreground and see what you think. You could also play with the placement of the subject - it doesn't have to exactly in the center third.

  10. #130
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Thanks Frank, I will a bit of a play with the different aspect ratios

  11. #131
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    I think I like the first one best. The first impression I had with that stormy sky is of some sort of druidic place. Then I saw it was straw of course. The second one is a bit dull for me and the third one had nice structures of the straw to look at.
    A fun subject to play around with.

  12. #132
    drjuice's Avatar
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    Re: Week 4

    Love the darter! It's extremely reminiscent of the anhingas I am fond of in Florida's inland lakes. The anhingas perch similarly and hang their feathers out to dry because their feathers aren't oiled as most birds' are. Thanks for the memories. v

  13. #133
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Thanks Peter, It was fun, and I thought it was a very interesting exercise, I probably hadn't realised the extent of where you place the horizen, can totally change the whole dynamics of the image.

  14. #134
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Week 4

    Thankyou Dr Juice, I quite enjoy photographing Darters, as they are large, usually are close to the bankand don't seem to spook easily,

  15. #135
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Week 18

    Have been having a bit of fun with black and white head shots, It isn't an area that I have tried before.
    I am not sure about my conversion to B&W, it is a bit hit and miss.
    My only lighting was natural light and a flash unit bouncing off a nearby wall

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

    Project 52 By Wendy Stanford

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