Thanks Girish, they were taken at sunset, # 1 faces the east, #2 north west, and #3 into the setting sun
Thanks Girish, they were taken at sunset, # 1 faces the east, #2 north west, and #3 into the setting sun
I was experimenting using a lamp and a couple of Gerberas, was quite difficult to get the right amount of light without blowing out the petals, with the light shining into the petals didn't work at all, with the light from behind, or to the side of the flower worked the best.
ISO 200, F13, exp 3 sec
ISO 200, F16, Exp 2.5 sec
ISO 200, F16, Exp 2.5 sec
Converted to B&W using elements
Very nice serie Wendy!
I prefer the colour pics and #1 is the better among them IMO, because of the light direction and no blown surface
I can imaging it is very difficult to find the right amount of light...
good work!
Last edited by Nicola; 31st March 2012 at 08:32 AM.
I suppose that makes sense, but it's nice to have it stated and pointed out to those of us who don't normally do this sort of thing. One of those little bits of info to store away in the memory banks (or write down on the 'Useful things to note' list (because i can't trust my memory these days!).
The way you did certainly worked, Wendy.
You've accomplished your lighting goal very well, Wendy. I can't light my way out of a cardboard tube but I am able to appreciate what others have done in this area. At some point I will have to work up the courage to attempt artificial lighting but natural lighting is a comfort zone that I am reluctant to venture out of. Nice work!![]()
Fantastic shots Wendy. Like Frank I'm much more comfortable in the natural lighting space so it's great to see someone else's work here. I prefer the colour shots as well - the yellow contrasts brilliantly against the background making for attention grabbing shots.
Thanks Donald, Frank and Mal, for your encouraging comments, I am certainly not in my comfort zone as yet, still trying different lights from lamps to LCD torches, I don't have alot of keepers, but I think I am improving, and it is something I can do inside at night after work as the evenings are getting quite short now
Great detail in the flowers Wendy. The B&W is beautiful with a bit of that light coming through from behind.
For these shots I used natural light coming through a wooden blind where I could vary the amount of light coming through,
the angle of the glass made a difference with having the glass on the angle showed the best reflections, the type of glass stem also changed the shape of the reflection, I also experimented with the amount of light that was coming through the blind.
F2.8, Exp 1/80, ISO 200, Focal Length 100mm
F2.8, Exp 1/160, ISO 200, Focal length 100mm
F 7.0, Exp 1/30, ISO 200, Focal length 100mm
Each of these Week 13 images is, I think, a quite superb semi-abstract study of colour, light, line and shape. I think the idea behind them shows immense creativity and vision and the execution is, from what I can see, technically very sound.
My only questioning comment would be about whether we're too close-up in the second one and whether the glass is a bit in-our-face. I compare it to the third one, in which I think the proportion of the glass in the overall frame is more subtle and balanced.
Bit I do think that each of them is, in its own right, a wonderful image.
Very nice Wendy - and I love the way you've used the blinds to create an interesting background. The first and third are my favourites, both sitting more in the abstract genre than the second one I think.
I'll have to try that idea sometime![]()
Hi Wendy
I'm afraid I've had trouble keepimg up with all the Project 52 threads - but could I go back to your "rocks at sunset" ? I think they are terrific shots, you've mastered the lighting extremely well in these. And might I also say that the shots following these are very good as well. You've certainly covered a diversity of styles. Nicely done
Hi Wendy, Re week 12, I'm a sucker for black and white.
The Gerberas are my desktop background.
Cheers Greg
Thankyou everyone for your comments on the week 13 images , the discovery of how the light reflected with the glass was quite accidental.
I am a couple of weeks behind as I have been distracted by the birth of a new granddaughter, I will give the baby photos a miss,but will try to catch up with a couple of shots of flowers that come with the birth of a baby,