First off, thanks again for the questions and comments on last weeks images.
Frank; I couldn't agree more that we do indeed learn more from our failures than successes. I think having comments/questions from others helps me greatly in the thought process along the path to improvement.
This week nearly passed me entirely by without pictures, until after mowing the lawn and inspecting the progress of the buds on some fruit trees when I saw this shiny little fellow, and a nice opportunity to try out the reversing ring outside. As difficult as it was to get settings right with a static subject, indoors shooting off a tripod, I was fairly impressed with the handheld results of the moving (albeit slowly) subject. Processed in LR3 and CS6 beta which I'm still figuring out.

1/80 f16 iso 400 on camera manual fill flash at 1/16

1/160s iso 200 1/8 on camera fill, aperture tab held just in from fully stopped down f9 to 11

exif same as previous if I recall correctly.