Last edited by Donald; 22nd January 2012 at 12:10 PM. Reason: Image posted inline
Sorry, Keith. No image.
Have you read through this thread? If so and you're still struggling, try to describe what you are doing so that we can help to diagnose the problem
I tried something else and that seems to have worked.
Almost there, Keith.
You've got it as far as being a thumbnail rather than an image embedded into the message. I've changed that. Go back to the help thread. I think you got to a stage where it said something like 'finished' or 'complete' and you stopped at that. But, as you'll read, there is one more step after that. You're just about there. Well done.
Thanks for that. I am sure it will all work out fine in the end.
I cracked it. After printing the instructions then following them I got there and posted into a Mini Competition, so I am now up and running. I always did find writing programs to be much easier than using other peoples.
I like your concept Keith. I did something similar with my daughter with some interesting light. You managed to get a great cloud formation, interesting light, and beautiful scenery all in one shot with you grandson in it!
Donald's right about the rotation but from a composition perspective I'd suggest a slightly tighter crop to move your grandson away from the centre of the image - I think a little off the right and a bit off the top to keep the rock pool in the image. It will put a bit more focus on your grandson and balance out your photo better. I don't think you need to take too much off - You don't want to lose too much of that cloud detail.
Hope this helps
Thanks. I had a look at the level on the picture and put a ruler on the horizon. We hadn't spotted the slope but sure enough it was there, just as you saw. I have rotated it level, the angle was 1 degree. I didn't think I had included this one in the Mini Competition though as it was not a recent picture. I put in a picture of a bridge which was taken on the 2nd January 2012 instead.
Many thanks for your response Mal. As I said in my post to Donald the rotation was just one degree. As I then had to make a crop to trim the edges I carried it a bit further as you suggested and include the alteration below.
I think I will go off and build a little utillity so that I can put these images side by side on one screen and make a direct comparison..
I had not taken the copy of the URL far enough. Now, to my eyes, the horizon looks to be sloping down to the right. This shot was one of those that just happened, not posed or planned, it was David doing one of his favourite things and this is how it turned out.
I think it's because of the headland out on the left on the horizon. You could clone it out if it's bothering you.
Unplanned shots are usually the way with kids. Getting them in some interesting light I find is usually a case of luck, and good luck getting them to pose for you. But often the best photos are of kids doing something naturally.
I leave the posed pictures of the grandchildren to the professionals - they behave for them, grandpa is for fun. The most we can get away with is Passport and Identification shots anything else has to be impromptu.
I had a look at Lightroom and found it to be £95!! Twenty minutes with Delphi 7 and I had a side by side viewer up and running and that was interesting so I will tidy it up a bit as I am sure it is going to be a useful utillity when manipulating pictures.