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Thread: Playing with curves in Raw

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
    Real Name
    Allan Short

    Playing with curves in Raw

    Learning to use curves in Raw.


    Playing with curves in Raw

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Playing with curves in Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Learning to use curves in Raw.
    And doing fine, so far.

    But you still need to keep your eye on the ball of other factors such as exposure and straightening.

    were yuou using any filters on your lens for this? It would have been ready-made for a GND filter, so that you could have held back the sky a bit and got more exposure into the land and the buildings. They seem a bit under-exposed. You could still lift them up by some dodging. I think if the snow was made whiter then it would lift up the whole scene.

    And .......... the spire of the church looks as if it's leaning over towards the right - that it needs a slight counter-clockwise rotation (haven't checked it, so I could be wrong).

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