About the only thing Scruff enjoys more than chasing bugs on a Summer evening,
is going out and playing in 8" of fresh powder snow...he stands at the door
just like a dog, begging to go out the second it quits snowing..
1/250s f/6.3 at 250.0mm iso200
In the above he had just jumped over a 2 ft. snow pile, and sat there looking
at me as if to say: ......"Dad...this stuff's great....can I play in it??"
Of course I told him...."You betchya you can. Have at it..!"
1/500s f/6.3 at 34.0mm iso400
This was a pure fresh snow, and with temps well below freezing it took on
a nearly blue cast to it that made it difficult to get the WB right. The above pics are
both at the same color temp., but the snow appears cleaner and whiter in the
second pic. I had switched up to ISO 400 as the light was beginning to fade and
to get a faster shutter speed; I was much closer to him in the second image.
He had a blast chasing around the yard and diving into the snow as if there
was a mouse underneath, and I've got some great memories of the afternoon.
Of course, C&C is always appreciated!