Nice shot Al. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Thank you for viewing Joe!
Nice shot. Envy you guys have lighthouses on call.
Thanks Al for the info.
What gets me is the amount and attention to detail that the lighthouses got when first built. Might be a small project but the architects really cared for their craft. Each has its own unique background and "story" and the surrounding landscape is usually extraordinary.
Nowadays they will just put up a light-beacon and a radio transmitter.... Ugggh.
Sir Bobo, there are several old lighthouses all around the country built under the Spanish regime, some are still in operation and some are deteriorated and it's just my dream to visit and take pictures of them. For me, operating or not they're still an interesting subject of photography. Thanks.
Stunning image Al. The colors and composition are great. The detail in the brick of the dilapidated building is very detailed. It seams as if there is a bit of lens distortion though. The light house and left wall of the building seam to be leaning inward a bit.
Real nice, Al. Makes me curious as it seems the roof is exposed… what might it look like in HDR inside the brick building? The images from within the building looking out the windows at the coastline would be intriguing in my mind...