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Thread: Quick Quiz ( answer supplied) What am I?

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Seymour, Vic., Land of Oz
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    Ken Outch

    Quick Quiz ( answer supplied) What am I?

    This is from that famous Highland Clan, Mac Hinery. It is actually the fly wheel counter weight from a drive shaft, which was the power take-off in shearing sheds, used to drive shearers' hand pieces, from days of old when shearers were bold, and wool was worth its weight in gold, or so I am told!

    We found it discarded in the grass verge beside a back country road. It is now a piece of the memorabilia lying around our house yard. It sits at the base of an apple gum tree.

    Congrats. to those who guessed correctly. For those who didn't have a clue, forget it. It just ain't all that important.

    Quick Quiz ( answer supplied) What am I?
    Last edited by ucci; 30th January 2012 at 04:37 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Ontario (mostly)
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    Re: Quick Quiz ( answer supplied) What am I?

    Keep it from rusting away - one day THIS piece may be worth its weight in gold.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Quick Quiz ( answer supplied) What am I?

    The name Wolseley would certainly have given away the origins of this piece, Ken. That was a famous name in sheep shearing machinery. I think they manufactured the first mechanically driven shears.

    I've seen them working at my local vintage machinery show. Not sure if I have any photos to hand.

    It is amazing how the Victorians went to so much trouble to produce decorative spokes to these wheels. Definitely something which is worth preserving.

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