I think you need more separation between the tree and the stone, Allan.
A bit tricky, but if you could make the tree more brown and the stone more grey, I think you could have a very dramatic image.
Allan, have you tried playing with the perspective a bit? It feels slightly off, although its hard to tell because the stonework itself may be leaning.
For me, Allan, this scene, as it is, just seems too confusing.
The main stems start from the bottom middle but the spread in different directions, with nothing to fill the middle; so I'm trying to look both left and right at the same time.
And on the right side there are branches from a different species interfering across the main subject and adding to the confusion.
I'm, wondering if cropping to a different ratio, possibly 4 x 5 and concentrating on just the left side would work.
But I suspect that a reshoot from a different angle is the real answer here.
ps. When they get to this size, are vine stems still called rods?
I agree with Geoff about a crop that concentrates on just the left side, I think it would simplify the photo a little and give the eye something to focus on.
Chris that is where I was wanting to head towards, as Frank suggested. I when back and reworked it however I did not get there. I have a good idea of where I want to go, I just do not have the sign post to guide me, I never get lost just momentary misplaced. Learning to do most of processing in ACR I think this would be a good place to go back to and restart again. Thanks again Chris for the example.