You're playing my song, Bobo!
Well you cheese did inspire to make me dig up these older pics hehe.
But nowhere as good as what you are doing of course.
96% saturated fat? No thanks but if you can take it then why not! I cannot so pics will have to suffice.
If your not sure where to post the first it to me.
The first two look deliciously processed to me.
#2 is needed to help get it down.
If you have a nervous digestive system, 3 might be a good place to eat/drink - note the convenient high location for throwing up.
Not fair! Not fair at all! Between the cheesecake, the cheese, fig bread, and kiwi fruit (not to mention the wine), just how in the world will I be able to stay on my diet! Huh! Particularly when it all looks all too scrumptious! I'll be right back. I gotta go get something to eat.
Last edited by Bobobird; 4th February 2012 at 06:32 AM.