thank you dave i will someday learn how to post 2 pics on 1 thread, that was what i was trying to do.
Hi Jack,
don't know if it's my screen, but the birds themselves look a little 'soft' to me. The rocks seem to be sharper. I be interested to see what other think. I must admit I have no experience with such a long lens and am quiet new to photography so take my comments with a pinch of salt, as I'm probably wrong.
Hi Jack , If you are finding it hard to get close to the hawks dont feel bad, I read somewhere that a hawk uses 75% of their brain just for their eyes (humans dont even use 30% for everything) giving the hawk a resolution 1200 times stronger than a human after I read that I didnt feel so bad about not being able to get close. Then I went an traded my 4 wheeler for a bigger lens. Good luck hawk hunting.