Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 46 (My 41st week)
I see you have the reflection of one bottle on the top of the other, Gary.
Something which seems to have a bit more potential. I suspect you could apply a little more contrast to give extra boost to the scene.
And I'm not certain about the crop, but it isn't far off.
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 47 (My 42nd week)
Into the final weeks of this project and with the recent acquisition of Adobe Elements I will be looking to re-process some of my images. However, for this week these reeds caught my eye down the local park.
I saw these reeds being blown about in a high wind. So, used a slow shutter speed to get some of the motion. I have been given a copy of Adobe Elements (Ver. 7.). This is the first image I have processed using it so, it is tentative first steps using this. It's got lots of options in there including layers so I will be trying to use it and see what happens.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 47 (My 42nd week)
We can certainly see which way the wind is blowing with this image.
Needs viewing at full screen size to see the full detail.
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 47 (My 42nd week)
Geoff, it certainly was a strong wind a blowin'! A perfect time to do some digging on the allotment to warm up! Its good that you have got the impression of the wind gusting as that was what I saw and was trying to get into the image.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 48 (My 43rd week)
I was playing around with PP to see what I could do. This is pretty basic but I was using the adjustment brush tool in Lightroom to isolate the background and the sliced carrot so that I could adjust them independently. Things like colour saturation, sharpness. It sure slowed my PC down when I did this and doesn't have the advantage of layers in other software. So, I don't think it is something that I would be able to use very efficiently. Not on my PC anyway. I think I'll eat the carrot now!
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 48 (My 43rd week)
Looks like an unusual caterpillar. :D
Lighting and focus have worked well.
Adjustment Brushes can take a lot of computer power.
Recently, I doubled the ram on my editing computer and that made a considerable difference to performance.
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 48 (My 43rd week)
Originally Posted by
Geoff F
Looks like an unusual caterpillar. :D
Lighting and focus have worked well.
Adjustment Brushes can take a lot of computer power.
Recently, I doubled the ram on my editing computer and that made a considerable difference to performance.
Geoff, I see what you mean about caterpillar! Didn't see that. I guess in general you need a 'high-spec' PC for graphical work. I was surprised though by how much of a difference it made. I run Windows XP with about 2GB RAM which I guess these days is small as 8GB seems the norm. I guess it's like digital cameras, my G2 with 4MP is probably a 1/3 of what is considered the norm.
As mentioned before I do have a copy of Elements 7 so I will try a similar process using layers and see what the difference it makes.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 48 (My 43rd week)
I had 2Gb of Ram, Gary, but when I looked inside the box I realised that although it is a dual core computer I only had the single Ram unit. So I replaced that with 2 x 2Gb matched cards; and used the old single 2Gb to update my old internet computer.
I can't get full 4Gb though, due to the processor.
Sorting through all the old files and defragmenting the hard drive certainly helps.
I regularly used the Disc Clean Up option; and remove old cookies etc from my internet computer as well.
A PC Cleaner can certainly clear out a lot of old useless files which are slowing things down. I tried the free CC Cleaner but found it could be a little on the 'harsh' side if you aren't careful.
Now I use the AVG PC cleaner which found around 2,000 worthless files which other software had missed; and it did a deep clean defragment which took over 24 hours to run! £25 a year though (approx) but it does make a difference to my computer speed.
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 49 (My 44th week)
Same image as last week(the actual image could do with being a lot sharper/focused). Still, this is mostly about seeing what PP has to offer! This time using Elements 7 as the editor. Using a combination of selections and adjustment layers. Not the same processor 'hogging' as with the Lightroom adjustment brush tool. I guess that layers are more efficient in the way they process the data? Anyway seems to me anyway to be an easier way to get to the same result. Plus it is easier to change quickly if you want to do so. Elements 7 is figuring more and more in my PP work. Its a shame the Organizer/catalogue is not that great.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 49 (My 44th week)
Just as an experiment, Gary, try adding a slight boost to the highlights with a Curves Adjustment Layer then selectively painting out any over done areas. Use a 'black brush' on a Reveal All Mask with a low opacity soft edged brush.
Adjustment Layers are very effective in producing substantial alterations but without too much increase in file size. Check out your file size before and after editing.
Also look at the differences of using alternative layer Blend Modes. For example, Luminosity can increase brightness without altering saturation. I often do separate adjustment layers with different blend modes like this when I get an over blue seascape.
Soft Light Blend on the other hand is good for creating just a little contrast and saturation which can produce excellent results if the layer opacity is carefully chosen. And, of course, some editing of a mask to selectively apply the effects.
One other unusual experiment to try, which has often saved the day for me. Pick an image where the midtones are too dark. Add a Curves Adjustment Layer and set the blend mode to Screen. It will become excessively bright.
Drag the right side of the Curves adjustment diagonal line downwards so the line lays flat across the bottom and the image becomes dark.
Pull the mid point of this line slightly upwards and the midtones will lighten but the highlights and shadows will remain unaltered. Aim for a bell shaped curve in the line. Some tweaking of the highlight and shadow sides of the line, to produce a better bell shape may help.
With CS5, or any other software without specific cataloging options I choose folder names carefully and include subject/date then create sub folders for more specific items, if necessary. I also include the date and image shooting number in each photo title.
Adobe Bridge (in CS5) is excellent for displaying thumbnails; but previously, I used an old freebie version of ACDSee for finding thumbnails of stored photos.
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 49 (My 44th week)
Thanks for your reply and suggestions Geoff. They are some areas that I haven't explored with Elements 7. So, will be interesting to see how they work. I do like the way that you can use layers to make changes and if you 'mess up' you can eadily return to a clean starting point. I think that this way of processing is going to become a major influence on the way PP works for me.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 50 (My 45th week)
Same image using Elements 7 to process. Duplicate the bg layer, used the blend mode of screen, replaced the background, sharpened and added a gradient. Not sure if its better but it is another way to produce the image which is adding to my learning curve with Elements.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 50 (My 45th week)
There is a little bit more 'zip' in that version Gary. Along the lines of what I was thinking about.
When you start using these methods on 'normal photos' you should see a big difference in your editing, particularly with the trickier images.
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 50 (My 45th week)
Originally Posted by
Geoff F
There is a little bit more 'zip' in that version Gary. Along the lines of what I was thinking about.
When you start using these methods on 'normal photos' you should see a big difference in your editing, particularly with the trickier images.
Yes, I agree with you Geoff. I think that Elements 7 will make a big difference in the final result that I produce. I also still need to work on getting the best result I can 'out of the box' so to speak. That then should give me the best possible chance of getting a quality image. I haven't tried printing at all and that is an area that will/should any flaws that are in the image.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 50 (My 45th week)
Originally Posted by
Geoff F
There is a little bit more 'zip' in that version Gary. Along the lines of what I was thinking about.
When you start using these methods on 'normal photos' you should see a big difference in your editing, particularly with the trickier images.
Yes, I agree with you Geoff. I think that Elements 7 will make a big difference in the final result that I produce. I also still need to work on getting the best result I can 'out of the box' so to speak. That then should give me the best possible chance of getting a quality image. I haven't tried printing at all and that is an area that I would like to develop (sorry, terrible pun!)
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 51 (My 46th week)
Almost there with 1 week to go...... There have been a number of Steam Trains running through this area recently, Xmas specials etc. After a lot of PP work (G2 at fast shutter speed (1/500) in low light equals unhappy camera!) here is one I captured not this week but a couple of weeks ago. I have to say that its a real 'buzz' when one of these 'beasties' come charging towards you!
Next weekend I will post final image for the project!
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 51 (My 46th week)
If I am thinking correctly, Gary, your camera doesn't have the AI Servo focus function. Which means that to get a shot like this you either have to pre focus on a suitable spot and hold the focus, then click when the approaching subject reaches that spot; as happened with the old film cameras. But you only get one click then the focus point has been passed.
Alternatively use the continuous focusing option and hope that you are able to both get an initial sharp focus then manage to hold it in focus.
Neither option is ideal with an object which is approaching you at the speed of a train. So you have done well to get this shot.
Even the AI Servo isn't guaranteed when the subject is coming straight towards you.
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 51 (My 46th week)
Originally Posted by
Geoff F
If I am thinking correctly, Gary, your camera doesn't have the AI Servo focus function. Which means that to get a shot like this you either have to pre focus on a suitable spot and hold the focus, then click when the approaching subject reaches that spot; as happened with the old film cameras. But you only get one click then the focus point has been passed.
Thats exactly what I did Geoff. As you say it's one shot and that's it. The trains are going through at about 3.00pm and at this time of the year the light is beginning to fade as well. I shoot at 1/500 sec so that does not leave many options with the G2. I tend to use the viewfinder and I think because that does not show the whole scene my 'click' is just a bit early. Ideally the train should be just a bit further up in the frame. On this particular day the sun was going down so it was catching the side of the train. I think that is what just gave me enough to work with in PP.
Other days when it has been dark none of the shots are any good and just have to be binned.
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 52 (My 47th week)
Week 52 and the final images. Firstly, thanks to everyone who has viewed and/or posted comments on my project. Secondly, congratulations to all who have taken part in the project. Whether you did the full project or only part completed. It doesn't matter. It is the taking part that counts!
So, to my final images. I guess they sum up what the project has been about. Taking photos on a very limited budget. Making do with what I have and improvising with bits and pieces that are around the place. Yes, it can be and is very frustrating at times. The dreaded 'if only I had this.....' question pops up regularly! But, I guess that if there is any message that comes from my project. It's if you want to take photos then you don't have to have a massive budget you can still do it on a shoestring budget! Anyway, here are the final images. Not technically, perfect etc. But, hey they were put together using bits and pieces found round the place. Also. indebted to other posters who mentioned the book 'Light, Science and Magic' which sowed the seeds for these and future pictures.
Happy New Year!
Cheers for now
Re: Project 52(late start!) by Gary (oldgreygary) Week 52 (My 47th week)
Originally Posted by
Week 52 and the final images. Firstly, thanks to everyone who has viewed and/or posted comments on my project. Secondly, congratulations to all who have taken part in the project. Whether you did the full project or only part completed. It doesn't matter. It is the taking part that counts!
So, to my final images. I guess they sum up what the project has been about. Taking photos on a very limited budget. Making do with what I have and improvising with bits and pieces that are around the place. Yes, it can be and is very frustrating at times. The dreaded 'if only I had this.....' question pops up regularly! But, I guess that if there is any message that comes from my project. It's if you want to take photos then you don't have to have a massive budget you can still do it on a shoestring budget! Anyway, here are the final images. Not technically, perfect etc. But, hey they were put together using bits and pieces found round the place. Also. indebted to other posters who mentioned the book 'Light, Science and Magic' which sowed the seeds for these and future pictures.
Happy New Year!
Cheers for now
Nice and elegant images Gary. I like them both. For me, perhaps just a little bit less table on the first image and with the second image, I think it may have worked better if the table behind the wine class was horizontal in the picture.
Happy new year!