Finally a good day to go out and about and came back with a variety of themes though as always the prime purpose is birds. If a story can be told, so much the better.
Though it may not look it, the lighting -was- terrible. These guys are so well hidden that unless you know for certain that they are in a particular location then good luck trying to finding one.
But in another location that we were scouting for something else we noticed traces and after carefully going over something like 20-30 different trees we found a new one. But he was even worse lighted and the pics came out okish but not good enough to post. It was exciting though to know of one (possibly more) at a new location the no one else knew about.
Hope you like these.
Long Eared Owl.
Ho, who goes there? I was sleeping...
Ahhh, humans with cameras, back to sleep...
But... I'll be keeping an eye on you...