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Thread: Another Tree

  1. #1

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    Another Tree

    I have been playing with PSE trying to create different effects learning about layers, filters etc. Still really new at this but here is a tree that I have started watching. It is actually two trees on alive and one dead. A real survival of the fittest thing going on. I would really like to take this shot in the summer it could be really cool.

    This is the original with a little processing.

    Another Tree

    This is with quite a bit more processing.

    Another Tree


  2. #2

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    Re: Another Tree

    Wonderful shots. Excellent work on the pp.

    I really like the stark shapes and configurations of these naked winter trees and photograph them whenever possible.

    Here is one taken recently.

  3. #3
    Photon Hacker's Avatar
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    Re: Another Tree

    The first picture is very good, why to ruin it?. I don't like processing just because we can, it's opposite to art. What were you trying to achieve?.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Another Tree

    Quote Originally Posted by Photon Hacker View Post
    The first picture is very good, why to ruin it?. I don't like processing just because we can, it's opposite to art. What were you trying to achieve?.
    It might be helpful, Mario, to make clear that it your view that the second version 'ruins' (to use your word) the image. Diane (and others) may not think so.

    It so happens that i agree with the view that we shouldn't over-process and image just because we can and my own personal taste leads me to the view that the second version has had too much done to it.

    The original has a nice simplicity to it that with, I feel, a bit of work on curves and an injection of some Local Contrast Enhancement (LCE) to lift it and make it 'pop' a bit more, would have turned it into a very good image.

  5. #5
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Another Tree

    Hi Diane

    Folllowing on from Donald's comments, I too think that the first image just needs a bit of subtle pp work. I hope you dont mind but I had a little play and came up with this. It's all a matter of personal taste of course.

    Added a Levels adjustment layer and set the black point to 48. And added some sharpening (40% at 1 pixel radius).

    Another Tree

    If you look at the histogram of your first image, you will see it's skewed to the right - hence the black level adjustment. Also the sky is blown out but this probably doesn't matter so much in this image. In general it is best to adjust your exposure when shooting to avoid this as it gives you the possibility of more adjustment with subsequent pp work.

    It's a nice image by the way.


  6. #6

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    Re: Another Tree

    I like the first one better myself, though it is a little flat, tonally, I can see why you were tempted to punch it up, but I like a more subtle image, myself. I look forward to more pics of the pair. They make a poignant image.

  7. #7

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    Re: Another Tree

    Thanks to all I really appreciate the coments and criticism. With this exercise for myself I was pushing my boundaries trying to figure out what can be done. Dave I love the more subtle approach and I think that is where I am comfortable and what I will strive for.

    Thanks again

  8. #8
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: Another Tree

    Diane, it is a nice composition of an intriguing subject, and the shades of colour look about right to me, just a bit bright. I think the processing needs to reduce the dazzle caused by the sky, while bringing out more detail in the two trees, and without introducing too much saturation. E.g. -

    Another Tree


  9. #9

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    Re: Another Tree


    Love the subjects of your photo, you have a lot of great elements to work with. With all of the advice you have been given I am sure you will have fun working on editing the photo and coming up with something you are completely happy with. I am very much a beginner when it comes to photography, I try to take a little advice from each post and apply it to making my photo better and come up with something that makes me happy to look at, the best advice I have been give is this: In the end it is your photo . . . Look forward to seeing what you come up with and seeing the photo as the seasons change. Thanks for sharing your work.


  10. #10

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    Re: Another Tree

    One thing I like to do, when I have a subject that will be there, is think about the kinds of light and conditions will make for a better photo. Will it look better in a dramatic morning light? In this case, maybe sunset would be right, or after a snowfall. When will the light line up the colors. (I am not sure what that last means literally, but sometimes, when the light is right, the colors come into harmony.)

  11. #11

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    Re: Another Tree

    Nice subject Diane. I imagine this early in the morning with fresh snow. I'd love to see a series based on the seasons, hope you get a chance to do something like that. They are great old trees. Do you know what kind they are?

    As for the PP, the first is a little over the top for my liking, but that's a matter of personal taste, and if you don't try things out you will never figure out what you like or don't like or know how to do it when you want to, so good job for giving some different things a try and posting for feedback. I find after working on some images for awhile I have trouble knowing what looks best. Everytime I do something different, I think it looks better, then I go back to the original and I think that looks better. Then I post here and get the benifit of fresh eyes. It's a very good way to learn - works for me anyway.


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