I have a big frustration, maybe someone could help me.
One day i've decided to get a camera and become a photographer.
I started to read a lot of stuff on internet about things like ISO, Aperture, Exposure,ecc.
I've came to this "problem" called Depth of Field.
I'm trying to understand it, but in my case is very difficult. I'm reading things, and i think maybe the ones they know about this don't want to share, or share 10% or less about it.. I've started reading the tutorial from CiC. Good tutorial in part, but AS A BIGINNER, i don't understand much. There is a drawing, talking about the Circle of Confusion, ecc. In the name of all the beginners in the world: We need EXAMPLES. I need example, how this things happens. You are not talking anything about the plan of the camera, how this changes, how this affects the DOF, what is Circle of Confusion? I don't know.
I would like to improve something in this world., please help me, i'am a beginner, i only know what beginners don't know and don't understand.
As a conclusion: I like this site, very good, i like the articles, just that i can't figure it out how things functions. As we get more experienced, we tend to forget how to explain to the beginners.
Thank u very much for your time, a dissapointed "wanna be" photographer.