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Thread: Osprey-edited with CS5

  1. #1

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    Osprey-edited with CS5

    Okay, I looked at the original shot...was not happy with the channel marker in the shot, so made a selection to the right, used the CS5 selection tools, removed the selected area...and then copied the image and reversed it horizonally, placing it beneath the first image, and used an eraser tool, about 35 % opacity to erase the sky in the top layer at the seams until they blended....

    Original shot
    Osprey-edited with CS5

    Fixed shot....I did not like the green, thought red would jump out more....
    Osprey-edited with CS5

  2. #2
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Nice shot. Nice and sharp, good exposure. However your reason for the use of red is exactly why I wouldn't use it. It is a big ol flag that catches more attention than the birds.

  3. #3

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5 may be right there, does a tighter crop work, then?

    Osprey-edited with CS5

  4. #4
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Gotta agree with Paul on the red. I'd leave the green, or shift it to a greyish color.

    Additionally, and this really gets into the realm of modifying the photo more than I normally would, but I would consider removing the third osprey. In particular, I find its head basically coming out of the one in front of it rather distracting. I think the scene would be much more powerful with just the two birds, and would do a better job of illustrating that the one in front is about to take flight. Totally your call though.

    Fantastic shot though, and nice PP work so far.

    - Bill

  5. #5
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Nat, I like your first crop best. Just not the red. Bill has a point with the removal of the one bird. I myself would likely leave it although I think it may be a stronger image removed.

  6. #6

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Nice and sharp. Well done.

    I too prefer the original rehash but without the red. The tighter crop does not work. The birds are looking out so give them the space to do that.

    As for removing or keeping the 3rd bird - it is your call. Personally, I would leave it there. This is a wildlife shot and there is never perfection. All I would do is remove the branch that crosses the one at the right.

  7. #7

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Remove the bird, remove the guys are asking a lot!! LOL! I thank you all for the input. Exactly why I posted it in this forum. I agree, the red is way overboard......and the twig has bothered me also, however, I think I will leave the third bird in, not sure I have that much talent.....I do have some other shots from this portrait session, and taking all you have given me in advice, I will tackle one of those this weekend. However, my grand-daughter spends this weekend with me, so that may not get done as soon as I would like. May be a good weekend for shooting some more shots of her....Thanks again!!

  8. #8
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    I think you got some good advice here. Isn't the content aware fill a thing of beauty!

  9. #9

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Okay. hmmmm....since I have only had CS5 since Christmas, and came up from CS3, have not seen or used content aware I will have to go find it.....LOL! I said I was just learning! so I need to learn some more. In the meantime.....going about it in my roundabout way, I tried again this morning before work....

    Osprey-edited with CS5

  10. #10

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    I tried content aware fill......I had branches and parts of birds all over the place. I was not happy. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but I am going to have to look up some more tutorials. I didn't think it worked very well, as there were edges visible all places it edited. I think if you are working on something that is all the same, like grass or a wheat field or all sky, it may work with some tweaks, anybody else have experience with it???

    Okay, I saw where somebody tackled the problem of the content aware fill picking up parts of the image (like bird beaks and branches and feet ) and strewing them in the mix. They said you have to duplicate your image, roughly select what you want to keep, like all the branches and birds and wood in the image above, cut and paste them into another layer, go back into the layer with those items now missing, and then run content aware.....and it will then fill in sky everywhere else....I'm wondering though if putting the rough images back in will leave an outline....?
    Last edited by Nat; 10th February 2012 at 05:01 PM.

  11. #11

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    It is not all that difficult. The easiest to use on things like twigs etc is the Spot Healing brush - use it to draw across what you want to disappear and it does. Not all situations will work but usually does a decent job.

    Now - that final pic - is a wall hanger for sure.

  12. #12

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Thanks, Bobo. No, I know how to use the clone tool and the spot healing brushes, that's what I did use. But the content aware thing is a different ball game. It said: "Outline the thing you want to get rid of with a selection tool, then hit delete" this opens up the content aware fill box, and then CS5 does its thing....have you used it?

  13. #13

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Yes at times for larger areas that need touch up. Takes a bit of getting used to but for the right conditions is a very good tool.

    But it is particular about the areas surrounding the selection and will impose that so you need to watch what you are doing. Eg cloning out a bunch of twigs from within a bunch of twigs will just give you a mess. Also the larger the selection the longer it will take.

  14. #14

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Okay. I have a 24 inch monitor, and I usually view my editing zoomed in so that 1 inch is actually 4 inches on the screen, and I have done 5 different tutorials using content aware fill.....yes, it fills in an area...but no matter which brush I used, which hardness, etc, I was not satisfied with the results. Even on the tutorials, I could see the edges of the filled areas....I could see things that did not belong. I am not impressed. Even on a plain sky, I tried it, and it looked awful blown up, would not print well. If anyone has used the "content aware fill" on an image they think worked, I would like to see it. For me, it does a poor job, and I won't use it. What I DO like is the clone tool in CS5. You select the area to clone from, and it actually shows you in the circle of the brush you are using what you will see and you can align up the clone area with the background and click (or touch, I use the bamboo pad) So you know exactly what you will be placing where. I also clone in a blank layer and I can go back and erase at any time any areas I don't like....anybody do this? select the clone area from the background and put the clone area on a new blank layer?

  15. #15
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Hey Nat,

    I was looking through some of my pieces and I dont have a great example right now. (due in part to a cpu crash, only my final edits were backed up) I will gladly post an example the next time I use it. Some things you have to keep in mind with content aware fill is that as you found out it doesnt know exactly what you are looking for when you fill it and you sometimes get what looks like a deranged Picaso painting. One thing that causes this is if the area you select is too big. As for the obvious lines that you see when you use is it that may be caused by not feathering your selection. You can feather your selection under Select > Modify > feather ( select between 5- 10 px ) then give it another shot.

    As others have mentioned their are different tools and techniques. Me personally the first thing I go to if I need to remove trash, debris, a leaf that I just don't like is CAF. That is where it really shines. Especially on images of beaches, skies, green fields and oceans what have you. Really anywhere where you can see the same pattern in color and texture. Here is one example and I am sorry I don't have the original for comparison.

    Osprey-edited with CS5
    The original image had garbage and cig butts all over the place. I removed 3 empty coke cans and various trash from the front. Again I apologize I don't have the origional.

    One point I would like to make is their are many ways to skin this cat. I will sometimes use a clone tool with CAF just to make just right. But for small items CAF is a great tool.

    Hope this helps,

  16. #16

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    Thank, Mike. Yes, not seeing the original I don't know what has been altered......but looking like it hasn't been altered is a compliment, then. I usually examine the ones I am working on blown way I can see more details, good and bad....sorry about your CPU, mine did that in 2008, and I lost all my images from before that, on the computer AND from the My Book backup, lightning strike burned up the lot! Luckily, my family shots were also on
    DVD...I have those.

  17. #17

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    Re: Osprey-edited with CS5

    thanks for the lesson Nat, that clone to a layer sounds great that would also allow you to use the opacity slider to help blend a clone in wouldnt it?

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