There were two threads with the same name started. The other one has been deleted.
We call these "Blue Bottles" in Australia. I hate them with a passion - they are the only thing that will keep me out of the surf and have caused several of my limbs to have swelled up over the years.
Just with your photo, it seems to me that the photo of the Caravela itself isn't quite sharp. It seems like the plane of focus is actually on the sand rather than on your subject.
Lucio and Mal,
That appears to be what we call a "portuguese-man-of -war". I got wrapped up in one a few years ago- thought I'd left ample clearance behind its sail (wrong) and spent a miserable few hours. But the pain was NOTHING compared to a sting ray puncture that I subsequently was treated to- that was breathtakingly unbelievable. I've never looked at the ocean quite the same.
I've heard it called the Portuguese Man of War as well. And on stingrays, we lost an Australian icon to a stingray barb that went through his heart. I'm in the middle of getting my open water at the moment so I have a feeling that I'll be staying away from the stingrays!
I have spent several months of accumulated time doing open water dives (mostly in the caribbean) and never had a problem. I ran into both the man-o-war and the stingray walking on beaches in Florida- and feelng safer than I should have, and not watching. My diving days are over, I envy yours just beginning.
OK, Mal.
Thanks for help!!