While going through my old photos and organizing I have come to a conclusion: I need to get back to my hobby, photography. I realize all my best, favorite shots are from when I got my first DSLR, and was so excited I went out every day and shot and shot and shot. I even killed the camera, a used FUJI S2 Pro I got on Ebay. I spent the summer shooting everything around me. And if you do that, you will get some interesting shots. I don't know what happened that I stopped (yes I do, but I won't go into it)) but I plan to go out as much as I can and get back into it....I have lost my touch, I feel. Use it or lose it? Anyway, here are two of my favorite shots of Praying Mantis, after HOURS and Days and weeks of watching and waiting and shooting!! Hope you like them.
This one had been munching on a stinkbug, and I think he was taking the rest home for a snack....
This was one early morning with dew still on the plants, and it was sipping the dew....