Re: PP Challenge #10
Used original as a basis for a 'copy' & 'paste' exercise, which meant selecting and inserting matters of interest found worldwide into the picture, thus creating a "one stop" visit to see everything. Re-sizing, angles, and colour blending all featured in this enjoyable exercise which included the Navona fountain (Rome), Grand Budda (China), Opera House (Sydney, Aus) Cristo de la Concordia (Bolivia), Holiday appartments (Dubai), Big Ben (London,UK), Eiffel Tower (Paris, Fr) and the steam tug Kerne assisting the Liner Oceania Nautica, and finally the Statue of Liberty (USA).
Re: Future City
Adjusted curves in RGB. Then entered LAB Colour to boost colours. Blur A & B Channel. Sharpened L channel. Converted to SRGB and posted
Where has the image gone to??
Now back
Re: PP Challenge #10
This is my first challenge entry and my first attempt to use Elements for PP (been loyal to PSP up until now). This was fun and after a lot of frustration I have found out how to use at least some of the tools. It has inspired me to explore Elements more.
I cut and pasted into a new position the woman in the red blouse swinging a shopping bag and also moved the man next to her. I used a mask layer and burn tool on the mid-tones to bring out more of the blue sky and took out a lot of things that I though detracted from the scene using the stamp tool along with the smudge and soften tools.
Re: PP Challenge #10
It was an overcast day, nothing you can do about that. Best option is to adjust it to black and white, but to keep the colour is the challenge, so, here goes: some overall higlighting to shed some light on the subject, keeping the contrast in check. Sharpen the clouds and the water, using quick select and unsharp mask. Highlight the brightest objects (seperately, using quick select) in the picture: the green building, retaining wall for the lawn and the boat on the water, and ... that's it. Less is more?
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
Oh No!
I have never spilled wine on a jigsaw but I did manage to do it onto the keyboard of my brand new IMac only a couple of days after I got it. Fortunately no damage done. This pic is best seen in large size so you can get all the details of the jigsaw pieces. Hope you like it.
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
1 Attachment(s)
Re: PP Challenge #10
processed through lightroom, Cropped, photomatix pro, paintbrush my focus was to make it as real as possible
Re: PP Challenge #10
1 Attachment(s)
Re: PP Challenge #10
I have adjusted the environment atmosphere and add in hot air balloon, canoeing and 2 ducks into the photo to create some activities held in that location.
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
Re: PP Challenge #10
I have always been fond of vintage style photos so I decided to use a vintage mask. I suprised to find out how difficult it is to use this mask everytime I got an effected I like I noticed increased blurr, noise and saturation issues. but I found a blurring focus mask that seemed for me to solve my issues. :D but I keep trying. JimC