My goal has been to capture awesome pictures of automobiles. I figure if it has an engine, will have an engine, has wheels and goes like stink. Powered by pedal to petrol, dump-trucks to diesels, rusty to rustic, then it should fit in this thread. I have noticed that there are unique elements to photographing automobiles. I hope this thread can be the place we post up our automobile photos to receive feedback, accolades and pointers on how to improve. Most importantly grow and expand our abilities. Everything from setting up lighting, location, to Post production. I have seen some great shots of cars here, there must be some interest. So post up your Auto, Bike, Moto, or otherwise wheeled motor powered vehicle. With that let us delve into the magic making of photos.
I will start with some of my favorites:
This image is almost SOOC just a few tweaks in ACR. I have never been able to put my finger on why I like this picture so much. Content wise I like the Gallardo, but the lighting in this has always drawn my eye or perhaps its aided by the wonderful color.
Candid shot, did a lot of post processing on this one. Overall I like it because he did not notice me taking the picture, and I caught that moment.
This is a truly rare image in my collection. The picture came out exactly how I wanted it to be taken. There is a fair amount of post processing but with this single picture I knew exactly what I was doing and what the end result would be.
Ford Truck! In my mind this is a way you can fix the location of where a photo is taken. I had to do a lot of post processing on this. There were cars, buildings, signs and a lot of other distractions when I took this photo but threw some editing I was able to make it into something better.