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Thread: Automobile 101

  1. #121
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    The composites are great; really interesting. I think display the dials with the bonnet sort of thing. The B+W works here Ryo.

  2. #122
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    What do you do when you can't sleep at paint the new work truck with light, of course.
    Automobile 101
    Automobile 101

  3. #123

    Re: Automobile 101

    Jon, nice what were you using to light?

    I have really been putting some thought into these:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sidekick View Post
    Hi Steve, Ryo,
    I know the guy's a pro but what I find interesting about his work is just how important the settings and backgrounds are to many of his shots - to the degree that some could be called landscapes that just happen to have metal in them.
    And I think that's a lesson we could all learn from - it's not just the car but it's what the location says about the car.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryogenetic View Post
    Man alive, had an eye opening experience today. I had always heard about composition, but never bothered to find out what it meant. Going back and reviewing my photos of the MP4 wow did I ever miss the mark. I am going to have to stay out of parking lots, and work on that new tool composition.
    Giving a good setting for the Automobile photo, is an important element of composition. I went back and edited these to use as examples from my own collection, that I think the background adds to the composition of the photo.

    Automobile 101

    Automobile 101

    In the first example the auto takes up the center of the frame, but you can see where it is located, kinda like telling a story. In this shot I should have placed the auto on the left third and given the viewer a bit more to see on the right side of the frame. In the second the 2 porches are placed on the thirds lines, some symmetry its like they are in the pits rearing to race. This one seems almost to capture it but there is something just off... perhaps I should have left more of the left side of the frame, giving them direction to run...

    Last edited by Ryogenetic; 3rd May 2012 at 02:42 PM.

  4. #124

    Re: Automobile 101


    Automobile 101

    Nope I think this one is hopeless.. But now that I am thinking about it I can work the image before I press the button, so learning has occurred.


  5. #125
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    Ryo, this was done with a 15 sec shutter and a flashlight for light. Kinda a fun thing to play with.


  6. #126
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    Interesting idea Ryo and I hadn't thought of doing that with a flashlight John.

  7. #127

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    Re: Automobile 101

    Interesting suggestion Ryo, I will have to look into that, since I had a similar problem with a shoot I did. Meanwhile, I tried again with different sizing:

    Automobile 101

    Automobile 101

    Automobile 101

  8. #128

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    Re: Automobile 101

    Just to show that everything I shoot isn't grainy, here are a couple of three-wheelers. In the states they are technically motorcycles, but some are more car-like than others.

    Automobile 101

    Automobile 101

  9. #129

    Re: Automobile 101


    Automobile 101


  10. #130

    Re: Automobile 101

    Scouting locations... this has the elements to good car photos, but with Airplanes. So this afternoon I drove around the area looking for good spots to catch this weekends Air show. I was able to coordinate this with the practice time that the planes were flying. Hopefully I will be able to get many good pictures of the demonstrations during the weekend event. What I was able to find was a spot that was about a 12 feet up, overlooking 85% of the flight area. From this vantage point I am able to see most of the maneuvers. The good part is I will have the sun at my back during the flight times. Here are some test shots:

    Automobile 101

    Automobile 101

    Automobile 101

    Automobile 101

    Set up is key, looking for the correct location to shoot, and a good back drop..


  11. #131
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    This is a subject I will have to revisit as the seasons progress and change. Any advice on views, composition, focal depth or post processing for future images?

    Automobile 101

    An attempt at monochrome; I really need some advice on this sort of treatment. Pointers needed

    Automobile 101

  12. #132
    Ramblinman's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    Automobile 101
    65 Mustang

    Automobile 101
    2011 Boss 302 Mustang

  13. #133

    Re: Automobile 101

    Trevor, I think you have a great subject, that will net many great images. The trees do muddle things up and make your shot seem very busy. I would like to see some other angles of the truck. As to the BW version, I think if you play around with the sliders on the conversion you could bring a bit of contrast into the nose of the truck (assuming that is the focal point). It looks a little flat, in the transition to BW.

    Paul, nice shots those colors really pop on my monitor.


  14. #134
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    Great shot Trevor; I think it maybe could be better if there is less in it, although not like in Mozart where a Emperor Joseph II said too many notes; I'm not an expert and just giving ideas, in fact I'm always accused of cluttering things where in fact I did it deliberately.

    If it was deliberate the B+W is closest to working, but I like the colour one.

  15. #135
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    Thank you Ryo and Steve for the critiques (and for mentioning Mozart in the same sentence as my attempt). I am afraid you are right and I may have to do some selective logging. I may have to cut down the three trees to the right, perhaps sequentially and see the result.

    The black and white treatment is something I have no mental reference point for where I want to go with the final result. I hate to resort to software to make the artistic decision, however do you know if Silver Efects is something worth using if you are an idiot in doing black and white?

  16. #136
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    Thank you Ryo and Steve for the critiques (and for mentioning Mozart in the same sentence as my attempt). I am afraid you are right and I may have to do some selective logging. I may have to cut down the three trees to the right, perhaps sequentially and see the result.

    The black and white treatment is something I have no mental reference point for where I want to go with the final result. I hate to resort to software to make the artistic decision, however do you know if Silver Efects is something worth using if you are an idiot in doing black and white?

  17. #137
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    The Mustang is one of my favourite cars Paul.

  18. #138
    AndyB1975's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    Well it just goes to show you don't always need to carry a big DSLR around. I had a day out yesterday and didnt fancy carrying the bigger Nikon around so took my little Canon point and shoot along. I only purchased this camera based on the fact it was small enough to fit in my pocket. Was quite pleased with this result (and what a lovely car it is too)..........

    Automobile 101

  19. #139

    Re: Automobile 101

    Andy that is a good looking car, looks like you clipped a bit on the front and back, but good perspective. I havent been around in a bit, gonna have to work on some more cars...

    From my lil trip up the coast:

    Automobile 101


  20. #140
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: Automobile 101

    I thought you may appreciate these classic 1964 amphicars

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