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Thread: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  1. #61
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Quote Originally Posted by Teton Chuck View Post
    In the first two photos I was trying to use the sky as a dominant feature.
    Hi Chuck. There is a second version of the 'rule of thirds' than can sometimes be applied to landscape images and it is to try to ensure that there is something interesting in each third (usually the horizontal third for landscapes) of the image. If there is a single object in two thirds of the image, it should be twice as interesting as what is in the remaining third.

    In the first two images of week 10, the bottom third is really strong so the sky, as dramatic as it is, is having a hard time competing.

    In the third image, however, the top and bottom thirds have a compelling, but complementary focus to the center third, along with the dramatic depth of the scene, that makes the this image a clear winner. Excellent vision!

  2. #62

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Frank, thank you for the help. I really want to get some images with lots of sky (Ansel Adams did it) but I can see I need much more dramatic sky to pull it off. Your input is very helpful.

  3. #63
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Quote Originally Posted by Teton Chuck View Post
    Frank, thank you for the help. I really want to get some images with lots of sky (Ansel Adams did it) but I can see I need much more dramatic sky to pull it off. Your input is very helpful.
    One approach for getting additional benefit from a dramatic sky is use the reflection of a body of water. In effect you get to double the enjoyment of the sky and can still retain a compelling subject between the two complementary views of the sky.

  4. #64

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Frank, that is a great suggestion. I will have to wait until summer to get a reflection. All of our bodies of water in Jackson, Wyoming are solid, and will be until about the first of May. I will keep your suggestion in mind as we move into our two months of summer.

  5. #65
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    I'm afraid I'm not a landscape photographer so take my comments with a grain of salt. However I do actually prefer the first photo in colour. For me you've managed to capture a great sky where the lines of the clouds lead you to the sharp detail of the mountains in the background, balances well against the foreground.

    The second photo for me doesn't have the clear lines of the clouds while the foreground tends to dominate the scene over the mountains in the background. But there's a very good chance that I don't know what I'm talking about

  6. #66

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Mal, Thank you for the input. One of the things I enjoy about the CIC is the variety of ways that people evaluate the photographs. I spent years in the world of science where the discussions were quite different than we are having here. Frank gave me some excellent suggestions about how to expand on the rule of thirds and how to use reflections in photos. I intend to keep them in mind as I continue photographing. But it is clear that photography deals with a great deal more than technology and facts. The part that is really special is that it brings out peoples feelings. And not everyone in the same way. I am finding this world refreshing. Thank you for helping with that.


  7. #67
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Chuck, I have been rather slack at looking in on the 52 group, my mistake! Wonderful stuff you have been doing! I love the mountain scapes and the birds are fantastic as well! I will be back checking in from now on. Lesson learned.

  8. #68
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Hi Chuck, Like the Colour images,
    #1, I like the wider frame, perhaps a little more foreground to make the image look a little more balanced, nice sky but a little to much.
    #3, Just right, has a balance of the 3 components, with about the same amount of each, look nicely balanced, lovely light, very serene image.

  9. #69
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Quote Originally Posted by Teton Chuck View Post
    I will have to wait until summer to get a reflection.
    LOL! Some of my best images with reflections have used rain puddles after a storm, windows, and even the roof of a car! Reflections are everywhere, you just need to look for ways (sometimes VERY unusual ways) to put them to good use!
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 14th March 2012 at 07:15 PM. Reason: fix quote tag

  10. #70

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 10

    Frank, Mal, Paul and Wendy, thank you for your comments. I appreciate the feedback. I've been on the road for a while and have not been able to get on line. Glad to be back. Will post week 11 later this evening.


  11. #71

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 11

    I have chosen Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep for my sixth post. This photo of two rams was taken on the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The area is covered in snow with the exception of some south facing slopes and cliffs. I was trying to get a winter photo where snow was not a significant component.

    I choose this photo because I liked the orange color of the lichens and the various tones in the rocks. Also I had the challenge of trying to make animals that blend into their background stand out enough to be interesting.

    At a minimum I hope you enjoy seeing these beautiful critters.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  12. #72
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 11

    Really impressive, Chuck! Not only is this an image that very few would ever get an opportunity to shoot, but it is marvelously composed, detailed, and very interesting. I would say that you have achieved your goal at getting the separation between the subjects and the background without blowing out the highlights in the snow. Superb!

    So. How are you going to be able to top this one next week?

  13. #73

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 11

    As Frank said, everything works well. You have managed to keep the snow a good bright white, without over exposure, but haven't lost anything from the midtones.

  14. #74
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 11

    Agreed, really can't add anything new. Nice shot.

  15. #75
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 11

    Can't fault it. It looks good Chuck

  16. #76

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 11

    Thanks to all for. The feedback. Much appreciated.

  17. #77

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 12

    This photo of the "Flatirons" was taken in Boulder, Colorado, on the front range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. These massive sandstone blocks were tilted up when the Rockies rose up. They face the east so are excellent candidates for early morning light. I have followed this photo with one of the sunrise that was happening to the east over the great planes. I wanted to capture the geologic formations, grab a bit of the pink in the clouds and keep the moon (ready to set) in the photo so it remained visible. It was a beautiful morning. Makes me smile just thinking of it. Hope you enjoy.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  18. #78

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 12

    Another couple of excellent photos. And, as an additional bonus, a glimpse of moon in the first one.

  19. #79

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 12

    Thank you Geoff. I was lucky to have the moon cooperate. But it was difficult to get it to show up in the photo.

  20. #80
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 12

    They look great Chuck. Very vivid captures. I'm still waiting for a sunrise or sunset like that to capture here on the Gold Coast

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