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Thread: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  1. #141

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 26

    Here are two photos that I took this past week at the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado, USA. The first shows some of the sand dunes with 14 thousand foot peaks in the background. The second was taken in a tack room on the ranch where I was staying. C&C appreciated.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  2. #142

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 26

    Once again, everything has come together nicely, Chuck.

    I was wondering if that 'heavy' cloud is 'reducing the height' of the tree. Would a very slight crop of the top, with a corresponding amount from the right side, produce a better balance?

    Not totally sure, as I'm just doing my old trick of holding pieces of card against the screen. But it's easier to remove than Tippex!

  3. #143

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 26

    Jeff, thanks for the suggestion. Here is my try at making the cloud less heavy.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  4. #144

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 26

    That is virtually how I imagined it. Do you think that makes the tree look taller?

  5. #145

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 26

    Yes, I think it does. And it removes some unnecessary "stuff" from the right side. Not much of a change but an important improvement. Thank you.


  6. #146

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 27

    I took this photo of a bald eagle while canoeing down the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park. I just drifted along quietly and enjoyed the moment.
    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  7. #147
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 27

    Beautiful composition!

  8. #148

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 27

    Normally, I would say that the subject, bird, should be facing the biggest area of space in a photo (towards the right). But in this case it is looking in the same direction as those branches are 'pointing' so it all works together nicely.

  9. #149

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 27

    Thank you Frank and Geoff. The branch that the eagle was on hangs out over the water. I think it was scanning for a meal.

  10. #150

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 28

    I was in the Colorado Rockies and had a chance to photograph mountain goats on Mount Evens and in the Ten Peak Range near Bredkenridge. I particularly liked this photo of a nanny with three kids. These little ones are completely comfortable on cliffs, including romping around together. The long lock of hair blowing across the face of the nanny is left over from winter. I am including one more photo of a goat that shows the residual of the winter coat even better. C&C appreciated.
    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  11. #151

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 28

    The first one works well, Chuck.

    Although the second is interesting as a record of the lifestyle of these animals it unfortunately has a background which lacks contrast against the goat. So the overall impact is lost.

    The same scene against a nice blue sky would appear totally different.

    I wonder if a crop of the top and left side might concentrate more on the intended subject.

  12. #152

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 28

    Geoff, I agree that the second picture is not that great. But I did hope it would show people just how long the hair is in the winter. It is necessary because these animals stay above 11,000 feet for most of the winter. It is above timberline, is often very cold and the wind blows a lot. Having said all that, I decided to crop the molting goat. Here is my attempt. I am having fun.

    Thanks for the feedback. - chuck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  13. #153

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 28

    That looks good to me, Chuck. You have lost the distracting background so the goat, and it's hair, are now clearly visible.

  14. #154

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 29

    Came across these two spiders and decided to try a little macro work. Managed to get a few photos and not get bitten. You can see eight eyes on the first one, but I can't find eyes on the second one. I have no idea what kind of spiders they are.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  15. #155

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 29

    If it was in the UK, Chuck, I would say Dysdera crocota or D. erythrina for the second one (Dysderidae family). Quite large with females up to 15 mm (3/4 ins) body size. One of the few UK spiders which is capable of biting people. Although their normal diet is woodlice.

    I don't know if that species, or a close relative exists where you live though.

    If you look closely you can just make out the eyes set very closely together; which is typical for that family.

    I wouldn't hazard a guess for the fist one. Both sharp with good detail.

  16. #156

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 29

    Geoff, the second one was about 15mm. It would hold its two front legs us and wave them. Quite ominous looking. The first one was about the same size. Both of these were in my grandsons playroom.

    Thanks for the feedback. chuck

  17. #157

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 30

    This is a photograph of the Red Hills in the Gros Ventre Mountains that form the east side of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This area is used extensively by elk, bighorn sheep, pronghorn and deer. The lines going across the hillside are made by the hooves of ungulates. The little black and white dog in the corner of the picture is Buster. He and I did K9 Search and Rescue for seven years. Now we both just roam around the mountains together. Depending on the light, these hills can be very red to a light pink. This photo was taken in the late afternoon with clouds blocking most of the sun.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  18. #158

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 30

    A good balance there, Chuck, everything works fine for me.

  19. #159

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 31

    One characteristic of the Rocky Mountain region of the USA is that each summer we have forest fires. Much of the vegetation requires fire to remain healthy and to reproduce. Today I am looking out my window and can barely see the Tetons, which are only a few miles away, because of the smoke in the air. But smoke from the fires does contribute to some beautiful sunrises and sunsets. The following photos were taken near the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado. The first two are sunrises and the third is a sunset. All of them would have been less colorful without the smoke in the atmosphere.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  20. #160

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 32

    This photo of a White-tailed Deer fawn was taken in Missoula, MT. White-tailed Deer are the smallest of the North American deer, and is a species that evolved in North America, in contrast to the Mule Deer which entered North America about 12 thousand years ago.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

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