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Thread: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  1. #161

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 33

    This is my first attempt to merge individual photos into a panorama. I shot eight pictures using a 16mm lens shooting vertical. From the left side to the right side of the photo is about is about 120 degrees. The photo was taken at Smith Rock State Park near Bend Oregon. Currently, it feels like much of the western part of the United States is on fire and it is very smoky across the region. I knew that the light was not that good, but this seemed like a good place to try a panorama from merged photos. C&C would be much appreciated. Click on the photo to get the full effect.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  2. #162

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 33

    The photographer seems dwarfed by all that scenery, Chuck.

    Everything is well balanced. I was wondering about having a nice blue sky; but too be honest, I think that may have overpowered the finer textures.

    Incidentally, I have a friend who specialises in extra large panoramas; which print at over 8 ft. He sometimes takes two shots of each 'panel' to increase the focus depth so ends up by shooting over 30 shots in total.

    The previous couple of weeks are also good. I've got a bit behind with CinC over the past couple of weeks due to my regatta work, then editing the photos and pasting them on the regatta P base site. So I've just been making quick visits without much commenting.

    ps. If you need some spare water, we have plenty in the UK this summer.

  3. #163
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 33

    Hi Chuck, I find that sometimes with landscapes, if I properly expose for the subject, the sky is overexposed and goes bland. I can't tell from this image what the sky color might have been at the time but if it had more tone and texture, I'd be tempted, even in a pano, to shoot with bracketed exposure and see if a lower EV might be able to render the sky more interesting even though the post processing would be more work.

  4. #164

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 33

    Frank, thank you for the suggestion. In fact I did bracket the shots. I have made a new pano with the sky showing some texture. In fact the light conditions were terrible. I shot this so I could work with my friend and learn how to do a panorama. Would love to go back some time when the light is good. I understand that the rocks have lots of colors and textures that simply don't show in the flat light that we had. By the way, it is Pikes Peak behind the Garden of the Gods pano.

    Cheers, Chuck

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  5. #165
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 33

    Yes, the sky looks more natural now. Looks like the top of the tree could be lightened a bit more like it is in the first image but overall it looks much better.

  6. #166
    RichB's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 33

    I much prefer the second version, having texture in the sky adds a lot and I prefer the reduction in saturation. I find it quite interesting that the shot has a 120 degree FOV I think it looks much less wide than the reality.

  7. #167

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 33

    Thank you Frank and Richard, I was so focused on creating the panorama that I didn't pay enough attention to the other aspects of the image. I agree that I would not guess that the image was 120 degrees if I had not taken it. There is nearly a 90 degree turn at the small hump just to the left of the photographer.

  8. #168

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 34

    Traveling this week and took time to photograph this flower. It was mid morning and the light was harsh so I used an umbrella to create shade. Unfortunately I didn't have my cardboard and aluminum foil reflector so I had to work with the light that I had. At least I had fun trying.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  9. #169

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 34

    Looks good to me Chuck. Possibly the background is a little on the yellow side but your lighting problems would explain that. And I fear that adding more blue would spoil the colour of the intended subject.

  10. #170
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 34

    What a beautiful flower! I like your chosen DOF and straight on shot of this. Very nice.

  11. #171

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 34

    Thank you Geoff and Terri.

  12. #172

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 35

    I found this guy hanging around in the backyard. There was a slight breeze so it was difficult to get a good sharp image.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  13. #173
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 35

    I'm glad you didn't let the breeze stop you. I've had to take quite a number of shots of the same image, usually flowers, butterflys or spiders when there was a breeze to get a sharp one, but for the right subject, it can be worth the effort!

  14. #174

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 35

    Yes it works well. I often find that during windy conditions I have to watch the scene and hope to click when the subject blows into focus. I find that attempting to follow the subject with continuous refocusing or swaying the camera rarely works for me.

    But you have the web sharp as well; which is excellent.

  15. #175

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 35

    Thanks Frank and Geoff, I hope to get a chance to do some more macro photography before winter sets in. (Our first frost this year was on August 20.) The other problem I had with this photo is that most of the time the spider was moving across the web. Made for a nice challenge.


  16. #176

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 36

    I enjoy watching Pine Siskins that come to our feeders. They are friendly, trusting little birds. Each summer I find one or more that will sit on my finger if I approach slowly. This is a Pine Siskin that was sitting on a plant on our deck. Not a normal substrate for this species, but I thought an attractive one.

    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  17. #177

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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 37

    Given all the fires we are having in the west, I am trying to find ways to make interesting photographs with all the smoke in the air. The light is diffused by the smoke, but where there is a shadow with no sunlight there are streaks in the sky. This may be another ho-hum photo, but one must work with what is given. C&C welcome. Click on the photo for a large version.


    Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck

  18. #178
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 37

    Oh, this is far from ho-hum. It's beautiful. Those rays through the clouds look like ripples. I really love it.

  19. #179
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 37

    I like it too Chuck. I too have taken advantage of a bit of smoke in the air. Horrible reasons that it is there but can make for some interesting ops. Might as well find the bright spot amongst the negative if you can. We too are having quite a fire season. It is not normal for Washington to go 50+ days without a drop and then 1/2 hour of mist and back to dry as a bone. Going into the second week after the mist now.

  20. #180
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Chuck Schneebeck Week 32

    Glorious, Chuck

    It made my chest ache. Thank you

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