Looks like Amazon is having quite a sale today:
Getting the pair for $69 saves quite a bit...
Looks like Amazon is having quite a sale today:
Getting the pair for $69 saves quite a bit...
that's a great deal. I highly recommend PSE 10, but would recommend Lightroom primarily, with PSE for more advanced editing (layers,etc.)
As I mentioned in a different thread, LR3 is also on sale from Adobe for 50% off until March 5, and can be downloaded from the Adobe website (http://www.adobe.com/products/discou...e-coupons.html). LR4 is scheduled for release in March, so you'll probably be offered a deal to upgrade to LR4, but it may still be cheaper to purchase LR3 and then upgrade (or just decline the LR4 upgrade offer entirely).
In South Africa currently the product is free when you purchase any DSLR Nikon bundle(body,2x lenses,sd card,bag)