I'm using LR3, but have been trying to use PS CS5.1 to sort a particular problem I've come across.
After converting to BW and making basic exposure adjustments, tone curve adjustments, etc, I've been using the B&W mix sliders to make final adjustments to tones, particularly applying a negative adjustment to blue to darken the sky. This produces an unwanted side effect on dark objects against the sky, so tree branches and birds, for example, acquire a light border, which seems to be caused by Chromatic Aberration. Lens profile correction helps, as does additionally applying negative adjustments to purple and aqua.
I've been trying to edit the 'best' resulting image in PS, on a small bird silhouetted against the sky, using the healing brush set at just 2 px, but without much success - it's tending to make the bird itself less distinct, without concealing the light edge.
Is there an easier way to do this. At the moment I've given up and just 'healed' the bird out of an image I'm working on..! It IS very small, so probably unimportant in this case but I would like to know how to sort this out.
Many thanks (in anticipation!)