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Thread: High Speed CF Cards..Worth it?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Southern California

    Re: High Speed CF Cards..Worth it?

    Someone Lock this thread already hehe

  2. #22

    Re: High Speed CF Cards..Worth it?


    I notice that my Nikon D70 writes the best and the fastest with a Sandisk extreme II or Silicon Power 200 x 4 gb.

    My Canon EOS 300D likes the sony 4gb 133x the best.

    I have good experiences with Sandisk and other brands, the worst brand for me is Extreme memory stay a way from them, had 4 CF cards returned in Greece, finaly said that I wanted a Sandisk card without having to pay more than I did - it sure helps to get the files over to your PC or laptop faster - I use an onboard Multi Card reader - I never transfer the images over USB or it has to be from the Cellphones..

    Life is short, enjoy it to the maximum while you still can. (copyright by dirk 2009)
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 13th June 2009 at 07:24 AM.

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