I'm a novice. I calibrated my monitor with a Colormunki Display. I found a test image online, downloaded it and printed it.
1. The printed image matches the web image when viewed within the actual website on my screen.
2. I downloaded the image file (all the embedded info), as well as just the small website image and when I open either image in Window's pic viewer or any photo editor on the same screen, the colors are very noticeably skewed from the printed image. The downloaded images can be opened in a variety of my editors, pic viewers, etc and they all have the same color skew.
3. I went back to the website, right-clicked on the image and "set to background" and THAT image matches the printed image.
4. When I open the image in a photo editor it looks skewed (as above), but when I print it from the editor, it looks different but great - just like the web image.
Hope that's clear. What am I missing? Seems like it's clear that the monitor is calibrated (?), since the printed image matches at least the web image, right? How do I get my picture editors to display the same colors I'm seeing on the test image's original website?
Thanks in advance.