As my learning process goes on about digital photography, I tested the dynamic range of my camera in an amateurish way.
Firstly, I took a shot of a plain surface (with spot metering, neutral picture style, RAW; without auto lighting optimizer) and checked the luminance histogram for the peak at the middle tone. After that, for the same setup, I measured where the clippings occur. They are starting at +2 1/3 for highlights and at -4 2/3 for shadows.
So, it seems that my camera has 7 stops dynamic range in RAW.
First of all, I would like to ask ... is this method for measuring the dynamic range is true?
And two more:
1. Why do we have more room at the dark side? Why the dynamic range is not symmetrical around middle?
2. If I encounter with a scene which has a dynamic range more than 7 stops and I don't want to loss any single pixel, I should choose HDR. Does this is the exact meaning of HDR?
Thanks a lot ...