Jeff, I quite like this. The only nit is a bit of haze covering the nice light on the valley. I think if you up the contrast just a bit you might reveal some more of that beautiful light.
From what we're seeing of the images you're posting up, you are clearly a master at managing light.
I hope that in the spirit of sharing and learning that CiC is about, you will come in with comments when others ask for them. You clearly have much to offer those seeking to learn.
Agree with Donald on your capture of light. It's something I aspire to.
I much prefer the original. Much more mood and atmosphere. The re-work, with respect, becomes a bit of a 'travel brochure' type of image. Nothing wrong with that and probably more commercial. But as a fine art image - the original for me.
Good exercise! A quick gallop down that hillside.
Last edited by Donald; 23rd February 2012 at 04:15 PM.
Maybe try something half way between those two?
Jeff, I have to say I to like the original better. Before that comment I made I took a quick play at your photo and just did a very slight global contrast adjust, it really did not change the feel but slightly cleared a little haze, very slight as I really think this is near perfect as is. In this edit of yours the foreground light seem much more intense almost to a distracting point.