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Thread: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

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    people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    I invite any views to assist in my assignment - these have to be printed in B & W - it is a 6 part assignment of in the Day of the life of ......(my subject - my son) this is part 2. My son is doing a Visual Arts Assignment in Photography on isolation so I decided that I would photograph him in this process as part of my assignment the Day of the life of ....

    people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    I have added 3 more images to this later
    Last edited by c s images; 25th February 2012 at 02:03 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    3 images - to pick one photo which depicts the day in the life of ..... and your views please

    people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)
    Last edited by c s images; 25th February 2012 at 12:12 PM.

  3. #3
    speedneeder's Avatar
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    Re: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    Hello C S Images, do you have a name?
    None of these photos seem properly focused on your son - he is the subject? Perhaps this is an attempt at abstract, I don't know. In the context of 'photos of my son' this isn't effective for me.

    Perhaps your depth of field is just too shallow?

  4. #4
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    Hi Cheryl,

    I have a few thoughts on your photos but was interested to know what you liked or could be improved about them.

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    Re: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    My assignment is _ A day in the life of my son where I will have 6 photos taken during the day I decided to capture the subject (my son) who was photographing for his major work for his HSC in Visual Arts. I don't know if your aware of how teenagers are very self focused on what they are doing and impatient, so I thought I would just see what was the best angle at first to capture him - like a draft so to speak.
    Pic 2 I liked but I think without the distraction of the vehicle in the left side of the background which I cropped as much as I could and without maybe the sunlight background v's the shade foreground not sure that I like the bright sunshine in between. So I guess rethinking how to capture it. Pic 3 taken from a slightly different angle. Of course watching my focus and not being rushed by an impatient teenager who so happens to be my

    So what are your thoughts?

  6. #6
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    Quote Originally Posted by c s images View Post
    My assignment is _ A day in the life of my son where I will have 6 photos taken during the day I decided to capture the subject (my son) who was photographing for his major work for his HSC in Visual Arts. I don't know if your aware of how teenagers are very self focused on what they are doing and impatient, so I thought I would just see what was the best angle at first to capture him - like a draft so to speak.
    Pic 2 I liked but I think without the distraction of the vehicle in the left side of the background which I cropped as much as I could and without maybe the sunlight background v's the shade foreground not sure that I like the bright sunshine in between. So I guess rethinking how to capture it. Pic 3 taken from a slightly different angle. Of course watching my focus and not being rushed by an impatient teenager who so happens to be my

    So what are your thoughts?
    Not only are they self absorbed and impatient, they also often don't like their own photos being taken - or at least that's the case with your 16 year old . I've been looking at these for a couple of days now - just trying to compile some rationale thoughts (and bear in mind that I'm still relatively new to photography so take my comments with a grain of salt).

    Firstly, I was wondering whether this series of photos would be better in colour than in black and white or some other finish. In a number of photos there isn't a great range of tones and textures which leaves a number of the photos in your series (not all of them though) a bit flat. Your son's clothing in particular comes out as a middle grey so I find that he doesn't stand out from the scene as much as he probably should as the main subject.

    In fact, in #2 the B&W finish there shows your son contrasting against the scene much more than the other captures and so I think works really well there. It's also the sharpest capture of your son as well. You can clone the car out easily enough incidentally which would finish off the capture well. I probably would have liked to have seen a greater depth of field to have his whole body sharp against the background but I think it still works well.

    #3 would be my second favourite however this is where he starts blending in with the background due to the B&W treatment performed. I'd suggest seeing what different treatments of your other photos do to see if you can make your son stand out more in the photo - either filtering of different colours in the B&Ws or seeing how they compare in colour.

    Hope that helps

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    Re: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    Thanks I found your views helpful. I unfortunately will have to do this assignment by printing in B & W.

    When I reshoot I will only be picking one photo from this particular area probably when I reshoot I think I will consider thinking of putting a couple of t-shirts maybe a white or black one in a bag (probably it will annoy him - but if he wants to have the use of my camera too for his assignment project lol).

    As I work through this assignment I have to take another 5 different shots as it is "the day in the life of" fortunately he is a busy teenager who referees and plays basketball so that's another 2 images to add, he plays guitar in a band maybe him practising.... his computer and probably on his motor bike to go to school so hopefully that will finally cover 6 images that I have to take.

    You have given me a fresh eyes approach - sometimes one can be too close to the project and often one doesn't always see something until it is pointed out. I look forward to when I have reshot this and added to the assignment for your input thanks.

  8. #8
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: people_In the Day of the life of my son......(part 2 of 6)

    Look forward to seeing the next series

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