I've searched the forum and there are really some nice book advises in different places. But at this time, I would like to learn your list of top 5 books.
There is only one criterion: If you have time for only five books for reading in different subfields of photography, which books must be read for the maximum coverage on that subject, according to you?
There are many books about each subject in the market, but many of them are filled with repetitive information for beginners, as far as I can see. I don't want to learn advises about those beginner's books. I would like to learn the most comprehensive, selective and informative lists in the each field.
My subdivisions are:
1. Exposure,
2. Lighting (flash photography, general lighting),
3. Composition,
4. Technolongy related subjects.
And my list is here, not complete:
1. Michael Freeman's Perfect Exposure,
2. Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson,
3. Digital Exposure Handbook by Ross Hoddinott (I have not read this book, but it has so many good comments from readers in Amazon),
4. .....
5. .....
Flash Photograhy:
1. Mastering Canon EOS Flash Photography by NK Guy,
2. Speedliter's Handbook by Sly Arena,
3. On-Camera Flash Techniques for Digital Wedding and Portrait Photography by Neil van Niekerk,
4. Off-Camera Flash Techniques for Digital Photographers by Neil Van Niekerk,
5. .....
General Lighting:
1. Light, Science and Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting by Fil Hunter, Paul Fuqua and Steven Biver,
2. .....
3. .....
4. .....
5. .....
1. .....
2. .....
3. .....
4. .....
5. .....
Technology related subjects:
1. The Manual of Photography by Elizabeth Allen and Sophie Triantaphillidou,
2. .....
3. .....
4. .....
5. .....