Cracking shot - looks great. Beautiful light.
Donald mentioned how well you capture lighting, and that is so true. I love your capture of the sun/light sweep through the grass and across the image into the mountains/clouds. It highlights the colors of the grass so well.
Great shot. The light and colours are beautiful. However, I think it would have more impact if the tree wasn't so close to the frame. Perhaps you were avoiding something to the left in the scene? I'm not sure. If you had stepped back a bit or zoomed out some to give the tree a bit more space, it would have taken this shot to the next level.
I find that one of the more challenging parts of landscape photography is being in the right place at the right time, and here you've nailed it.
Ah, I figured as much. Well it's a beautiful shot as it stands. Good work!
Very nice jeff. The tree in the forground adds alot of depth to this shot, well done!
Great Shot. Love the lighting. Can almost feel the warmth from the gold tones.. Beautiful job.
Great shot love everything about it, no need togo on everyone else has expressed my view!
It makes me feel peaceful and at ease...
Jeff, I agree with everyones comments. Beutiful capture. As for the left side against the frame, I think a small cloning of the couple branches that run out of frame could give it just a little space and be well worth it. Either way, love it.