Originally Posted by
Loose Canon
Hi Lukas!
I really like your minimalist approach. If you are new to this, then I think you are already off and running! They are great in B&W and as Richard mentioned, really convey a mood.
Would it interfere with your vision to add some contrast to these in an attempt to make them appear a little less “flat”?
#2, my personal fave, has some darkening in the sky on the left, close to the frame edge that I might be tempted to dodge to make the sky a little more even. In fact, so does 3 through 5 but it works better with them because it is on both sides (almost vignette-like). I might even consider cloning the little bit of hillside on the far right at the horizon line in #2.
By your thread title (train) can we presume you are shooting out of a window? I think I am seeing some reflection in a couple of these and again wonder if the slight irregularities in the skies may be caused by this. I wonder if it is also causing some reflections in the foregrounds. It seems especially prevalent in #1 & #5 where you have a darker foreground. If you should so desire, I would bet that a little dodging/burning would help that a bit.
Great series of shots, Lukas.