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Thread: Bisham Sunset

  1. #1
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Christopher Hotton

    Bisham Sunset

    I was searching my archive when I came across the original of this glorious sunset as seen from Bisham Church Yard over looking the River Thames. I have done some minor editing but the colours are very much what the camera saw. Your comments would be gratefully appreciated.

    Bisham Sunset

    Best viewed at larger size for full effect

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Bisham Sunset

    I've been looking at this, going away, coming back for the last 20 minutes.


    That strip of colour down at the bottom left. Does it add or detract? On balance I feel it's a bit too much of a distraction (but that's only on person's view. But, take it out and your left with an unbroken, quite large block of black.

    But apart from that, this is a 'wow' picture. The trees on the other side just finish it off beautifully. Amazing.

  3. #3
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: Bisham Sunset

    This is another wonderful image of a scene near your home, Chris.

    I agree with Donald and the blue strip should go. I like the silhouetted sides as a frame for the sunset, but if it were mine I would crop immediately left of the tall tree on the far right to balance the dark areas left and right.


  4. #4

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    Re: Bisham Sunset

    I'm also wondering about a slight crop from the bottom and right side. Maybe just show half of the right edge tree.

    But I can't really decide.

    However, this is really just a very minor consideration about such a magnificent photo.

  5. #5
    Sunray's Avatar
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    Re: Bisham Sunset

    Beautiful sunset. A real color explosion. It's very nice to look at, especially in these dull, grey days here.


  6. #6
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Re: Bisham Sunset

    Thanks for your kind comments. Donald I am ashamed to say I missed the blue line bottom right, which is in fact the edge of an inlet - I have now removed it. I have also produced the two crops suggested by Philip and Geoff - I can't make my mind up on this, although on balance I prefer the first of the two crops, not that I am totally convinced that that the crop is necessary. What do you guys think?

    Bisham Sunset

    Blue line removed.

    Bisham Sunset

    Crop 1 - the full crop

    Bisham Sunset

    Crop 2 - the halfway house
    Last edited by ChrisH; 3rd March 2012 at 09:52 AM.

  7. #7
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Christopher Hotton

    Re: Bisham Sunset

    I have been studying the three above for a while now and come to the conclusion that Crop 1 is more balanced and therefore the better of the three images. Thanks for your help.

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Bisham Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH View Post
    I have been studying the three above for a while now and come to the conclusion that Crop 1 is more balanced and therefore the better of the three images. Thanks for your help.
    I'll go with that.

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