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Thread: Sophie in Glasgow

  1. #1
    gerryquiff's Avatar
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    Sophie in Glasgow

    I wandered out with young Sophie yesterday, and we dodged the rain. Sophie brought some random clothes and I had a couple of cameras, lenses and a reflector. With the majority of my model photography, these are casual fashion.
    I've really only played about with the tones on these, and tidied the framing where I shot to crop....and a little bit of graffitti removal

    Sophie in Glasgow

    Sophie in Glasgow

    Sophie in Glasgow

    Sophie in Glasgow

    With Sophie being a dancer, there was a tutu in her hag, so we found a dog

    Sophie in Glasgow

    Not neccessary for Critique

    Last edited by gerryquiff; 4th March 2012 at 12:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Sophie in Glasgow

    Hi Gerry,

    I'm puzzled by the final comment "Not neccessary for Critique", if we're not here to learn, what's the point?

    I don't do this kind of photography, but even I can see a few issues that I feel are worth mentioning, of course they are just my opinions.

    #1 background plaque and your motif are a little distracting, but otherwise very nice.

    #2 background too busy for me, unless a record of where Sophie lives for her, I don't see the point, I am also puzzled by the tan on her face she has in this, but not the other shots, looks very odd next to her arms and hands

    #3 the scratches on the concrete wall draw my eye, looks about 1/2 stop overexposed, otherwise nice

    #4 the 'head down' tilt looks slightly unnatural for her, looks about 1/2 stop overexposed

    #5 I'd level this one, but it is still a nice shot

    I like the compositions/crops in all though

    Hope that helps someone,

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Sophie in Glasgow

    Different people see photos in different ways; but for me, I would have cropped the first two a little tighter on the left, and rotated the last one as Dave mentioned.

    But they are all good shots.

  4. #4
    speedneeder's Avatar
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    Re: Sophie in Glasgow

    I'm not sure I get the correlation between the tutu and the dog, but I really like the last one, though as mentioned, I would correct the verticals.
    And yes, please explain "Not necessary for Critique"?

    Thanks for posting

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Sophie in Glasgow

    Lovely young woman... Were these all from the same shoot. Her hair looks shorter in #2, or was that just the way she had arranged it. Since I love looking at both dogs and pretty females, my eye keeps switching from one end of the lead to the other

  6. #6
    kezmal's Avatar
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    Re: Sophie in Glasgow

    Lovely photos, agree Number two, such a pretty face but too much foundation, which unfortunately doesnt match her whiter hands. The last one is great for the fun factor

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Sophie in Glasgow

    I like the idea from the 5th but in my opinion the dog had to be white or black and of course to wear a little red.

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