The neanderthal asks again. :-)
I have just found out that there is a difference between scanning and digitizing my negatives. Which is the best method? Can anyone suggest which one I can/should buy?
Thank you in advance
The neanderthal asks again. :-)
I have just found out that there is a difference between scanning and digitizing my negatives. Which is the best method? Can anyone suggest which one I can/should buy?
Thank you in advance
When you find out, please let me know. I thought it was the same thing - Once you scan your negative, you digitize it; i.e. it becomes a digital file. No?
Me too, but I read this comment in while looking for a negative scanner:Quote... I have a true scanner for 35mm negatives and slides, another unit that will digitize (NOT SCAN) 110 negatives,....unquote
I confess I do not know thw difference either.
Ok, this from the Pacific Image ImageBox page on Amazon - "This is NOT a scanner (it actually takes a digital picture)"
Don't buy this one - it advertises in airline magazines! The end results won't be very good, especially on problem images.
I do quite a lot of scanning still, and have settled on an Epson flatbed scanner with film unit. It scans up to 6x9 cm neg/slides. The results are a little softer than with the Plustek I used earlier, so careful sharpening is called for. The end results are very good.
When looking for a film scanner, make sure that it can scan at 48-bit, has some sort of infrared dust-removal, and that you can turn off all the auto "enhance/improve" features; it's all better done in post.
Here's the one that I use -
What do you want to scan, Eduardo? 35mm, 645, 6x6, 6x9....bigger?