Hi Sara,
Not sure what we're looking at here - my guess would be these things are in an junk/antique shop window?
The picture on the camera's belows won't do them any good and there seems to be plenty of cobwebs.
Your logo in lower left corner is the brightest thing here, so that distracts me.
Hope that helps, oh, and welcome to the CiC forums from ...
I'd love to have a camera like that with a DSLR mounted inside. I'd put it on an old wooden tripod and I could wear a straw hat and duster coat like Mathew Brady and they would probably allow me on the battlefield of a U.S. Civil War Reenactment. That would be loads of fun!
I think the lighting is on the weak side. Until I read the other comments about it being a camera bellows, I though I was looking at a safe or a filing cabinet drawer. I think the camera would make a great picture by itself.
Probably the most distracting element is the modern frame sitting on top of the bellows. Second would be the dust/cobwebs in the upper left.
Just remember not to take critiquing personally. I think this picture has promise. Not one I would get rid of, just one to retake.
Sara, for me B&W is very difficult. I think I have a sense of all things that you were seeing. However, all the extra stuff took away from what I thought was your idea. If you have a chance to play around with original or retake the shot. You might try different angles and different light. Keep up the good work.JimC
Ok Dave, I agree with u about the logo ... but u think the pic is not good at all ... i mean no good sides... Thank u so much hope the next time will b better
Last edited by Egyptian Face; 11th March 2012 at 07:03 AM.
Well, GreedyRogue ... i think u r right ... it may be confusing... the modern frame on the top >> it means that this old camera can take photos till nowdays
and about the cobwebs >> refers to how much it is too old
this was my point of view, but any way thank you so much for ur critiques as it is not personally
... i will do my best next time
I'm old enough to know exactly what it was when I looked at it.Inclusion of the example photos above it may have helped with the composition but maybe not. Shooting what appears to be through the glass of a store window reduces the clarity of the shot. A polarizer may have helped eliminate that reflection. Nice subject though.