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8th March 2012, 07:57 PM
Can anyone help me with PaintShop Pro 4?
Is there any help on using Paintshop Pro x4 within the Forum,all I've seen is Photoshop,
this was bought fore me as a christmas present.
8th March 2012, 08:30 PM
Re: Can anyone help me with PaintShop Pro 4?
Hi Ron,
I can't, but I hope changing the thread title will help. 
Good luck,
8th March 2012, 08:33 PM
Re: Can anyone help me with PaintShop Pro 4?
Hi Ron,
As you've already stated, people here are mainly PS or PE users but there are one or two exceptions. Your best bet would be Google or Youtube but I had a quick look and found these guys,
Hope it's a start mate,
14th March 2012, 11:06 PM
Re: Can anyone help me with PaintShop Pro 4?
I can help. I have used Paintshop Pro in all its versions and use X4 Ultimate now. If you go to the Corel website, under support are some webinars that you can watch on your PC and that you might find useful.
With specific questions, email me at gsrunyan@q.com.
11th June 2012, 12:45 AM
Re: Can anyone help me with PaintShop Pro 4?
Ron....I am a PSPx4 user. I recommend the book, "Picture Yourself Learning Corel PaintShop Pro X4", by Diane Koers. You can find it on Amazon for about $30 USD. I am no expert but I have been a PSP user for quite a while. I will do my best to answer questions you may have.
11th June 2012, 07:46 AM
Re: Can anyone help me with PaintShop Pro 4?
Hi Ron,
I just purchased the kindle edition of "Paintshop Pro X4 for Photographers" by Ken McMahon. I've just completed the first few chapters and it looks good in terms of information presentation.
Maybe you could consider it.
17th June 2012, 02:51 PM
Re: Can anyone help me with PaintShop Pro 4?
Hi Ron,
Have been using Paint Shop Pro for some years now. Have 8, X2, X3 and X4 running concurrently on the one computer.
I initially bought PSP8 because it was only $150 compared with Photoshop 800- 1000 at that time. I paid $89 for the latest version of PSP X4 on special and they seem to have those fairly often
Have read both books Picture Yourself and the other Paintshop Pro X4 for Photographers.
I suspect that both were written when it first came out and before the Service Pack 1 (SP1)was available. SP2 is now available as well. The Ken McMahon one is far the best for photographers as it gives a good run through over most of the features and at 300+ pages although the writing is small it covers scripts (Photoshop = Actions) whereas Diane Koers omits that as being too difficult for that book and her readers and covers Scrapbooking instead. I also found a number of errors in referring to resizing and also colour theory .
There are a number of great tutorial videos on youtube,
and a number of other PSP forums and freebies sections.
As well, you can often translate some Photoshop tutorials into PSP speak . A dictionary of terms will help there. Do a Google search on "Photoshop to Paint Shop Pro Term Dictionary".
If you purchased the ultimate version of X4 you would also get a full set of the Nik color effect filters and upon registration of your copy will also be able to get the 24 KPT filters. You will have so much there that there will be a lot of fun, frustration and aha!!! moments.
You will also find that the coloured tools and smaller numbers of them visible will be less confusing than the Photoshop panel.
ie Photoshop shows two selection tools wheras PSP one tool with the others appearing as flyouts hidden under that one tool.
PSP also has tools available quickly for some of the common problems of photographers eg straighten photo which I find is faster and much more user friendly than Photoshop.
I have to arrange , crop, straighten and otherwise process at least 4500 images a month so speed of processing is most important to me.
You will also find some fun applications with paint Shop Pro Tubes and frames and there are forums and sites devoted to those.
Have fun.
21st June 2012, 06:21 AM
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