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Thread: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

  1. #21

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    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    The canon competitor to the D5000 would be the 500D, both of which could be considere higher-entry level or lower-mid range. The 1000D from canon is an entry level DSLR, whose competitor by nikon would be the D3000. If you look at prices, these pairs should be similarly priced, with maybe a few 1000 dolars between the mid range pair and the entry level pair (depending exactly on the offered lenses as others have said). I would encourage you to push into the D5000/500D option rather than the entry level. Which one you go for, again as others have said, will depend on what sort of photography you do. I chose the canon route personally because they have the 55-250IS for about £200, whereas there wasnt a budget, stabalised lens from nikon in that sort of focal length. So think about what your next lens might be after the body and kit to help you decide.

    This is just mirroring some excellent advice i recieved in my 'help me choose a camera thread'.

  2. #22

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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    If you are considering Canon, Subin, I would advise considering the 40D which has most of what the 50D offers but being 'last year's model' you should get a good deal now. In fact some photographers still prefer the 40D. Although a few find this range to be too heavy and prefer the lighter Canon 400D, and it's relatives.

    But the Nikon range has some equal alternatives; and some people find the other brands, like Olympus for instance, which can give excellent results.

    Either way, remember when you choose a brand you will be 'selling your soul' to that company for life; or have an expensive time when you switch loyalities.

    So think carefully about which company has the best range of lenses to suit what you expect to be requiring in the future.

    But for now, I would suggest basing your decision on what feels right and if that is slightly outside your current budget, wait a little bit longer until you can afford it. Buying a new camera based solely on cheapest price usually works out the most expensive in the long run.

  3. #23

    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    hi again I went to the market today i saw more cams.... i saw a sony alpha im confused on buying either sony or canon 1000d im getting a gd deal for both da games...pls reply asap

  4. #24

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    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    Quote Originally Posted by Inderdeep View Post
    hi again I went to the market today i saw more cams.... i saw a sony alpha im confused on buying either sony or canon 1000d im getting a gd deal for both da games...pls reply asap
    Personally I'd stick with Canon or Nikon (I'm a Canon man myself). That will leave you more options as you upgrade your kit over the years

  5. #25

    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    alrite so u choose 50d or 1000d cse i liked sony cse it had a feature whereby the screen can cm down

  6. #26

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    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    Seems like one more part that's likely to break

  7. #27

    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    alrite i got 1 more prob the sony cam is offering me a 55-200mm lense and the canon is offering me a which 1 shld i choose

  8. #28

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    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    Quote Originally Posted by Inderdeep View Post
    alrite i got 1 more prob the sony cam is offering me a 55-200mm lense and the canon is offering me a which 1 shld i choose
    Like we tell all others here, we'll need some more info to give you sound advice There is no one size fits all here. Would you please give us (detailed) info on what you plan to do with your camera? (i.e. landscapes, portraits, sports, wildlife, etc.)

  9. #29

    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    sports n landscapes

  10. #30

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    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    While I don't know anything about the Sony lens, the Canon 70-300 IS is a well built budget lens for general use so if you need 300 mm I would recommend it. I have one myself.

    But just a couple of warnings. The Canon 70-300 will not work with a lens converter (for extra magnification) but I doubt you were thinking along those lines anyway. Secondly, don't get confused with the earlier Canon 75-300 without IS which I wouldn't recommend.

  11. #31

    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    so again shld i go for canon 1000d or sony a330L...if i wanna take landscapes and sports

  12. #32

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    Decision Made

    Go for the Canon 1000D.

  13. #33

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    Re: Decision Made

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Go for the Canon 1000D.
    I can never argue against Canon.... I think you'll be much happer with the 1000D

  14. #34
    Faldrax's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    Quote Originally Posted by Inderdeep View Post
    so again shld i go for canon 1000d or sony a330L...if i wanna take landscapes and sports
    I would suggest you go into a shop and see how each feels in your hands. Try changing a few basic settings - ISO, Apperture, Shutter Speed, etc and see how intuitive it is for you.

    The actual requirements for Landscapes and Sports are fairly different; Landscape will be generaly small appertures, longer exposure times, wide angle lens, while Sport is Large appertures to get fastest shutter speeds and telephoto lenses!

    You will find that any of the major manufacturers will produce cameras and lenses to satify your needs - and at the budget end all will make compromises to keep the costs down.

    At the top end, the Sony A900 is probably top for Landscapes, with Nikon / Cannon beter for sports (due to the avaiaiblility of high end tepehoto lenses).

    If your total budget over the next 5 years is £5000+, then this might matter, but if it is mroe likely to be £2500 or less then just go for what feels right, as they will all deliver what you want in a similar manner.

    At teh end of the day, it is your ability that makes or breaks the shot, so choose the one that feels comfortable and makes you smile, as that's the one you will want to use

  15. #35

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    Re: Nikon D5000 or Canon EOS 1000D or Canon EOS 50D

    Quote Originally Posted by Faldrax View Post
    I would suggest you go into a shop and see how each feels in your hands.
    I like to think of it as being a bit like a new car; I know that whenever I get one it always seems a bit strange (and "not as familiar") as the previous one for a couple of days - but then I get used to it - and after a while if I then jump in a rental for a couple of days it's the rental that feels weird.

    I've found it to be the same with cameras - to the point where these days I don't put too much weight on "which one feels better" because within a day or two the one that "feels best" will be "the one you have".

    I think that many people worry about their camera purchases excessively because they think of it in terms of a "right" or "wrong" decision, whereas in reality there is a HUGE overlap between models in the same price bracket; almost to the point where people may just as well toss a coin (at least that way the decision gets made and they can start shooting).

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