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When you shoot in Raw try and train yourself not to think about 'shooting in colour' or 'shooting in monochrome'. What you're doing when you shoot in RAW is that you are capturing all the data, including the colour information. So, you're capturing everything that's there. But all you are doing is capturing the data. You then have to decide what you do with that data once you get your file loaded up onto the computer. Are you going to keep it all, or are you going to get rid of some of it; i.e. the colour information?
That's what shooting in RAW is all about. You are in total control, not the camera. It's like having to think differently about what you're capturing.
Before, shooting in JPEG, you were capturing a final image. And you had decide before you pressed the shutter whether you were going to make a colour or B & W image. But now, you capture all the information and you make the final image afterwards.
Does that make sense?