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Thread: A Yorkshireman in France..........

  1. #1
    Blayeman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Blaye, S.W.France
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    A Yorkshireman in France..........

    ............enjoying the peace and tranquility

    We moved here in June 2002 to escape the rat race and so far the move has put years on our lifespan!!

    I have been seriously interested in photography for more than 40 years, starting with mu mothers Box Brownie and currently using a Canon EOS500D with a Sigma 18-200mm IS zoom.

    I was an active member of 2 Photographic Societies in Huddersfield and moved from roll film through 35mm to Digital, having a dark room in the process.

    The BIG negative ( ) living here is that there are very few photographic clubs or societies and so it just isn't possible to meet with groups of like minded people.
    I hope that this forum, being International, will be an interesting place for me.

    My hobbies, other than photography are shooting - not animals - wine - travel and military history. I am a member of The War Graves Photographic Project

    That's about it I suppose

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Frank Miller

    Re: A Yorkshireman in France..........

    Hi Duncan and welcome to CiC! A local photography group, or even another photographer or two can give you someone to shoot and chat with but there are a number of folks here on CiC that would love to discuss photography with you all day long if you let them. We would all like to see some of your favorite shots and if you are interested, offer suggestions on how to grow your photo shooting and processing skills. Welcome!

  3. #3
    Blayeman's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Blaye, S.W.France
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    Re: A Yorkshireman in France..........

    Here is a favourite image to start the ball rolling.

    'Winter Sentinels' The River Authie in Picardy, France.

    A Yorkshireman in France..........

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Windsor, Berks, UK
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: A Yorkshireman in France..........

    Hi Duncan,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.

    I'm sure we have a few members with "SW France" as their Location, so perhaps you could get together and start a club
    or at least have the odd meeting between a couple of you.

    However, I suspect "SW France" may be bigger than Yorkshire (in its entirety) is, so maybe distance may still be a problem.

    That's certainly where CiC can help, we're always here and very lively lately.

    Look forward to seeing some shots, especially if they're like this from Jeff, who is 'down your way' (from where I am)


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