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Thread: New member from Midwestern United States.

  1. #1
    New Member
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    New member from Midwestern United States.

    Hi, I was cruising around the webbernet looking for some photography tips and came across this site. I poked around a bit and looked at a few posts and decided to join. Seems like a really nice community with a lot of helpful advice. Hopefully I can grow from a completely lost novice to something with a little bit of camera sense.

    so for the intro:
    My name is Michael. I live in Lafayette, Indiana and am surrounded by cornfields in every direction, or cow fields, and sometimes cows wandering in cornfields. I can handle abuse pretty well without a feisty response as long as its in good nature, and appreciate constructive criticism. So please feel free to be completely honest with any photos I post, or what you would have done to make them look better. I spent most of my life using point and shoot cameras that were cheap because I knew I would break them. I'm a little older and use a lot more common sense now so I purchased a beginner DSLR camera. I'm attempting to learn with a Rebel T2i so bare with me.

    Other than that, looking forward to learning quite a bit and meeting some new people.

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: New member from Midwestern United States.

    Welcome to CiC Mike! Post away and we can rock on as a team!

  3. #3
    Ludwig's Avatar
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    Re: New member from Midwestern United States.

    Welcome to CiC! You will find this a friendly place with a lot of helpful folks. I just joined recently and I am really pleased with the kind reception I received. Feel comfortable here, and show some of your photos - not just the good ones, but also the ones you hope to learn from with advise from others.

  4. #4
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: New member from Midwestern United States.

    Greetings from Florida, Mike, and welcome to the forum...

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New member from Midwestern United States.

    Hi Mike,

    Warm welcome to the CiC forums from me too, great to have you join.

    What lens(es) do you have for the T2i?

    And what subjects do you like (or want) to shoot these days?

    All the best,

  6. #6
    New Member
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    Re: New member from Midwestern United States.

    thanks all....

    photorob, I see your from Tampa. I was just in Citrus grove last week visiting a friend, I'll be uploading some photos from there soon.

    Dave, I just bought a package on ebay. It came with the 18-55mm, a .45 macro, and a 2X magnifying lense and basic filters. I've been looking into some different lenses as my main interest is wildlife photography, so something with a good zoom. I enjoy a lot of macro as well along with wildlife photography as I used to have a very large collection of reptiles, tarantulas, etc. and found them to be really good subjects.

  7. #7
    stardelta's Avatar
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    Re: New member from Midwestern United States.

    hi mike welcome on board if your like me ( an absolute newbie to dslr photography ) then you will love it on here .
    i have encountered probably the friendliest and most helpful bunch of people on any photography forum.
    glenn uk

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