I set myself a challenge yesterday (here), by declaring what I was planning to do today. Now you can judge if I did it.
I certainly feel as if several weeks of planning and waiting for the right opportunity paid off. It's enormously satisfying when you are able to implement a plan and achieve what you intended.
But is it good enough? Your comments are welcomed.
As for the title of the piece, I won't bore you with long, detailed text about the history of the highlands of Scotland post-1745 Jacobite Rebellion and the forced eviction of thousands of people from the land to make way for vast estates filled with much more profitable sheep. Suffice to say that many of you, particularly in North America and Australasia, who claim Scottish ancestry are where you are because your ancestors were forced from their land and left with no choice but to emigrate.
The ruins of their houses can still be seen all over the highlands of Scotland.
This forced eviction was and is known as - The clearances.
40D, 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM @ 44mm. ISO100. 1/6@f11
(The only deviation from my plan as laid out in that other thread yesterday, was that I shot it at 44mm with my 17-85 kit lens instead of at a longer length with the 70-200 F4 L IS.)