Saw this at a local garage and thought, " Hey! Mr D would like to see this. He likes old tractors."
It was taken with a 10 - 22 mm canon lens, 3 stops , -2, 0, +2, multiple shots, using a tripod whilst standing on one leg and Tibetian throat singing the Scottish National Anthem.
HDR-ed the files in Photomatix several times at different slider values and these were then merged in PS after selectively applying a few filters, cropping, after which minimal unsharp mask was applied. At this point I reckoned I had done all the harm I could to the original file.
And, after all this nonsense, I am now in a state of total exhaustion.All over a pix of some crappy old tractor that should be in the nearest dumpmaster. I sure hope you appreciate all of this Mr D!
Thanks for viewing. And only joking about the throat singing bit.
Old ucci